Commit 0671e724 authored by 王志伟's avatar 王志伟


parent 26fc2796
......@@ -901,76 +901,89 @@ object find_reason {
val new_clk_count = sc.sql(
val old_noclk_device = sc.sql(
|select '${stat_date}' as stat_date,count(distinct(oc.device_id)) as new_clk_count
|from all_clk_diary_card oc inner join device_id_new
|on oc.device_id = device_id_new.device_id
|select device_id
|from device_id_old
|select device_id
|from old_clk_device
//2.1 有点击的新用户
val new_clk_device = sc.sql(
|select distinct(oc.device_id) as device_id
|from all_clk_diary_card oc inner join device_id_new
|on oc.device_id = device_id_new.device_id
val old_count = sc.sql(
|select '${stat_date}' as stat_date,count(distinct(dio.device_id)) as old_count
|from device_id_old dio left join agency_id
|on dio.device_id = agency_id.device_id
|where agency_id.device_id is null
val new_count = sc.sql(
|select '${stat_date}' as stat_date,count(distinct(din.device_id)) as new_count
|from device_id_new din left join agency_id
|on din.device_id = agency_id.device_id
|where agency_id.device_id is null
val exp_clkold_count = sc.sql(
|select '${stat_date}' as stat_date,count(dp.device_id) as imp_clkold_count
|from data_feed_exposure_precise dp inner join old_clk_device
|on dp.device_id = old_clk_device.device_id
|where stat_date='${stat_date}'
|group by stat_date
val exp_clknew_count = sc.sql(
|select '${stat_date}' as stat_date,count(dp.device_id) as imp_clknew_count
|from data_feed_exposure_precise dp inner join new_clk_device
|on dp.device_id = new_clk_device.device_id
|where stat_date='${stat_date}'
|group by stat_date
val result = old_clk_count.join(new_clk_count,"stat_date")
GmeiConfig.writeToJDBCTable(result, "device_clk_imp_reason", SaveMode.Append)
// val new_clk_count = sc.sql(
// s"""
// |select '${stat_date}' as stat_date,count(distinct(oc.device_id)) as new_clk_count
// |from all_clk_diary_card oc inner join device_id_new
// |on oc.device_id = device_id_new.device_id
// """.stripMargin
// )
////2.1 有点击的新用户
// val new_clk_device = sc.sql(
// s"""
// |select distinct(oc.device_id) as device_id
// |from all_clk_diary_card oc inner join device_id_new
// |on oc.device_id = device_id_new.device_id
// """.stripMargin
// )
// new_clk_device.createOrReplaceTempView("new_clk_device")
// //3.当天老用户数
// val old_count = sc.sql(
// s"""
// |select '${stat_date}' as stat_date,count(distinct(dio.device_id)) as old_count
// |from device_id_old dio left join agency_id
// |on dio.device_id = agency_id.device_id
// |where agency_id.device_id is null
// """.stripMargin
// )
// //4.当天新用户数
// val new_count = sc.sql(
// s"""
// |select '${stat_date}' as stat_date,count(distinct(din.device_id)) as new_count
// |from device_id_new din left join agency_id
// |on din.device_id = agency_id.device_id
// |where agency_id.device_id is null
// """.stripMargin
// )
// //5.有点击老用户的曝光数
// val exp_clkold_count = sc.sql(
// s"""
// |select '${stat_date}' as stat_date,count(dp.device_id) as imp_clkold_count
// |from data_feed_exposure_precise dp inner join old_clk_device
// |on dp.device_id = old_clk_device.device_id
// |where stat_date='${stat_date}'
// |group by stat_date
// """.stripMargin
// )
// //6.有点击新用户的曝光数
// val exp_clknew_count = sc.sql(
// s"""
// |select '${stat_date}' as stat_date,count(dp.device_id) as imp_clknew_count
// |from data_feed_exposure_precise dp inner join new_clk_device
// |on dp.device_id = new_clk_device.device_id
// |where stat_date='${stat_date}'
// |group by stat_date
// """.stripMargin
// )
// val result = old_clk_count.join(new_clk_count,"stat_date")
// .join(old_count,"stat_date")
// .join(new_count,"stat_date")
// .join(exp_clkold_count,"stat_date")
// .join(exp_clknew_count,"stat_date")
// GmeiConfig.writeToJDBCTable(result, "device_clk_imp_reason", SaveMode.Append)
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