Commit 5c289b71 authored by 高雅喆's avatar 高雅喆

update Top question data with have exposure data

parent d6ceee4c
......@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ def result2file(fpath):
2.1 用户点击次数分布(第一列:用户点击次数;第二列:独立用户数量)
2.2 Top 100 diary (sorted by ctr)
2.3 Top 100 Answer (sorted by ctr)
2.4 Top 100 Question (sorted by click times)
2.4 Top 100 Question (sorted by ctr)
......@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ def tuple2dict(tuple_result):
def result2file(result_lst,fpath):
with open(fpath,'w') as f:
tplt = "{0:\u3000<4}\t{1:\u3000<12}\t{2:\u3000^6}\t{3:\u3000^6}\t{4:\u3000<8}\t{5:\u3000^15}\n"
f.write("2.4 Top 100 Question(曝光表里cid类型没有question,因此下面的曝光数和点击率都为0)\n")
f.write("2.4 Top 100 Question\n")
for i in result_lst:
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