Commit 65110bd4 authored by 王志伟's avatar 王志伟

add date

parent 9bbfbfba
package com.gmei
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Calendar
import com.gmei.WeafareStat.{defaultParams, parser}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SaveMode, TiContext}
......@@ -8,13 +10,15 @@ import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import scopt.OptionParser
import com.gmei.lib.AbstractParams
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object strategy_clk_imp_oldUser {
case class Params(env: String = "dev",
date: String = "2018-08-01"
//date: String = "2018-08-01"
) extends AbstractParams[Params] with Serializable
val defaultParams = Params()
......@@ -53,8 +57,30 @@ object strategy_clk_imp_oldUser {
import sc.implicits._
// val stat_date = GmeiConfig.getMinusNDate(1)
val partition_date ="-","")
def get_date(): ArrayBuffer[String] ={
val startTime = "2018-10-07"
val endTime = "2017-10-10"
val dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
val dateFiled = Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH
var beginDate = dateFormat.parse(startTime)
val endDate = dateFormat.parse(endTime)
val calendar = Calendar.getInstance()
val dateArray: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer()
while (beginDate.compareTo(endDate) <= 0) {
dateArray += dateFormat.format(beginDate)
calendar.add(dateFiled, 1)
beginDate = calendar.getTime
val date_array = get_date()
for (elem <- date_array) {
val partition_date = elem.replace("-","")
val decive_id_oldUser = sc.sql(
|select distinct(device_id) as decive_id
......@@ -81,54 +107,54 @@ object strategy_clk_imp_oldUser {
for (strategy <- strategies){
val clk_count_oldUser = sc.sql(
|select '${}' as stat_date, count(cid_id) as get_clk_count_old
|select '${elem}' as stat_date, count(cid_id) as get_clk_count_old
|from data_feed_click jd inner join device_id_old
|on jd.device_id = device_id_old.decive_id
|where (jd.cid_type = 'diary' or jd.cid_type = 'diary_video')
|and jd.device_id regexp'${strategy}'
|and jd.device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and jd.device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
|and jd.stat_date ='${}'
|and jd.stat_date ='${elem}'
val imp_count_oldUser = sc.sql(
|select '${}' as stat_date, count(cid_id) as get_imp_count_old
|select '${elem}' as stat_date, count(cid_id) as get_imp_count_old
|from data_feed_exposure je inner join device_id_old
|on je.device_id = device_id_old.decive_id
|where je.cid_type = 'diary'
|and je.device_id regexp'${strategy}'
|and je.device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and je.device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
|and je.stat_date ='${}'
|and je.stat_date ='${elem}'
val clk_count_newUser = sc.sql(
|select '${}' as stat_date, count(cid_id) as get_clk_count_newUser
|select '${elem}' as stat_date, count(cid_id) as get_clk_count_newUser
|from data_feed_click jd inner join device_id_newUser
|on jd.device_id = device_id_newUser.decive_id
|where (jd.cid_type = 'diary' or jd.cid_type = 'diary_video')
|and jd.device_id regexp'${strategy}'
|and jd.device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and jd.device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
|and jd.stat_date ='${}'
|and jd.stat_date ='${elem}'
val imp_count_newUser = sc.sql(
|select '${}' as stat_date, count(cid_id) as get_imp_count_newUser
|select '${elem}' as stat_date, count(cid_id) as get_imp_count_newUser
|from data_feed_exposure je inner join device_id_newUser
|on je.device_id = device_id_newUser.decive_id
|where je.cid_type = 'diary'
|and je.device_id regexp'${strategy}'
|and je.device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and je.device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
|and je.stat_date ='${}'
|and je.stat_date ='${elem}'
......@@ -141,8 +167,7 @@ object strategy_clk_imp_oldUser {
package com.gmei
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.{Calendar, Date}
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.util.Calendar
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object testt {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit ={
val dateArray2 = get_date()
for (elem <- dateArray2) {
def get_date(): ArrayBuffer[String] ={
val startTime = "2017-12-01"
val endTime = "2017-12-10"
val dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
val dateFiled = Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH
var beginDate = dateFormat.parse(startTime)
val endDate = dateFormat.parse(endTime)
val calendar = Calendar.getInstance()
val dateArray: ArrayBuffer[String] = ArrayBuffer()
while (beginDate.compareTo(endDate) <= 0) {
dateArray += dateFormat.format(beginDate)
calendar.add(dateFiled, 1)
beginDate = calendar.getTime
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