Commit 735de249 authored by 高雅喆's avatar 高雅喆

add all

parent 0c08df5e
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from utils import con_sql,get_yesterday_date,get_between_day
import time
OUTPUT_PATH = "/data2/models/eda/node2vec/"
class GrayStat(object):
def __init__(self, cid_type, uid_type, ndays=get_yesterday_date()):
cid_type : diary,answer,question
uid_type : 8:_8结尾;6:_6结尾;6|8:_6或者_8结尾;^68:不是6或者8结尾的
ndays : '2018-08-30'....
self.cid_type = cid_type
self.uid_type = uid_type
self.ndays = ndays
def get_uid_count(self):
sql = "select count(distinct(device_id)) from data_feed_click \
where stat_date='{0}' \
and (cid_type='{1}' or cid_type='diary_video') \
and device_id regexp '[{2}]$' \
and device_id in \
(select device_id \
from nd_device_cid_similarity_matrix_tmp) \
and device_id not in (select distinct(device_id) from jerry_test.bl_device_list) \
and device_id not in (select distinct(device_id) from jerry_prod.blacklist)".format(self.ndays,\
uid_count = con_sql(sql)[0][0]
return uid_count
def get_uid_clk_times(self):
sql = "select count(device_id) from data_feed_click \
where stat_date='{0}' \
and (cid_type='{1}' or cid_type='diary_video') \
and device_id regexp '[{2}]$' \
and device_id in \
(select device_id \
from nd_device_cid_similarity_matrix_tmp) \
and device_id not in (select distinct(device_id) from jerry_test.bl_device_list) \
and device_id not in (select distinct(device_id) from jerry_prod.blacklist)".format(self.ndays,\
uid_clk_times = con_sql(sql)[0][0]
return uid_clk_times
def get_uid_imp_times(self):
sql = "select count(device_id) from data_feed_exposure \
where stat_date='{0}' \
and cid_type='{1}' \
and device_id regexp '[{2}]$' \
and device_id in \
(select device_id \
from nd_device_cid_similarity_matrix_tmp) \
and device_id not in (select distinct(device_id) from jerry_test.bl_device_list) \
and device_id not in (select distinct(device_id) from jerry_prod.blacklist)".format(self.ndays,\
uid_imp_times = con_sql(sql)[0][0]
return uid_imp_times
class AllStat(object):
def __init__(self, cid_type, uid_type, ndays=get_yesterday_date()):
cid_type : diary,answer,question
uid_type : 8:_8结尾;6:_6结尾;6|8:_6或者_8结尾;^68:不是6或者8结尾的
ndays : '2018-08-30'....
self.cid_type = cid_type
self.uid_type = uid_type
self.ndays = ndays
def get_uid_count(self):
sql = "select count(distinct(device_id)) from data_feed_click \
where stat_date='{0}' \
and (cid_type='{1}' or cid_type='diary_video') \
and device_id regexp '[{2}]$' \
and device_id not in (select distinct(device_id) from jerry_test.bl_device_list) \
and device_id not in (select distinct(device_id) from jerry_prod.blacklist)".format(self.ndays,\
uid_count = con_sql(sql)[0][0]
return uid_count
def get_uid_clk_times(self):
sql = "select count(device_id) from data_feed_click \
where stat_date='{0}' \
and (cid_type='{1}' or cid_type='diary_video') \
and device_id regexp '[{2}]$' \
and device_id not in (select distinct(device_id) from jerry_test.bl_device_list) \
and device_id not in (select distinct(device_id) from jerry_prod.blacklist)".format(self.ndays,\
uid_clk_times = con_sql(sql)[0][0]
return uid_clk_times
def get_uid_imp_times(self):
sql = "select count(device_id) from data_feed_exposure \
where stat_date='{0}' \
and cid_type='{1}' \
and device_id regexp '[{2}]$' \
and device_id not in (select distinct(device_id) from jerry_test.bl_device_list) \
and device_id not in (select distinct(device_id) from jerry_prod.blacklist)".format(self.ndays,\
uid_imp_times = con_sql(sql)[0][0]
return uid_imp_times
def main():
output = OUTPUT_PATH + "ctr.csv"
with open(output,"a+") as f:
print("stat" + " " + get_yesterday_date())
g_class = GrayStat("diary","3|4")
a_class = AllStat("diary","3|4")
line1 = str(g_class.get_uid_count())+"\t"+str(g_class.get_uid_imp_times())+"\t"+str(g_class.get_uid_clk_times())
line2 = str(a_class.get_uid_count())+"\t"+str(a_class.get_uid_imp_times())+"\t"+str(a_class.get_uid_clk_times())
g_ctr = g_class.get_uid_clk_times()/g_class.get_uid_imp_times()
a_ctr = a_class.get_uid_clk_times()/a_class.get_uid_imp_times()
growth_rate = (g_ctr-a_ctr)/a_ctr
line = get_yesterday_date() + "\t" + str(round(g_ctr*100,2))+'%' + "\t" + str(round(a_ctr*100,2))+'%' + "\t" + \
str(round(growth_rate*100,2))+'%' + "\t" + line1 + "\t" + line2 + "\n"
if __name__ == '__main__':
\ No newline at end of file
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