package com.gmei import import org.apache.spark.sql.{SaveMode, TiContext} import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger} import scopt.OptionParser import com.gmei.lib.AbstractParams object WeafareStat { Logger.getLogger("org.apache.spark").setLevel(Level.WARN) Logger.getLogger("org.apache.eclipse.jetty.server").setLevel(Level.OFF) case class Params(env: String = "dev" ) extends AbstractParams[Params] with Serializable val defaultParams = Params() val parser = new OptionParser[Params]("Feed_EDA") { head("WeafareStat") opt[String]("env") .text(s"the databases environment you used") .action((x, c) => c.copy(env = x)) note( """ |For example, the following command runs this app on a tidb dataset: | | spark-submit --class com.gmei.WeafareStat ./target/scala-2.11/feededa-assembly-0.1.jar \ """.stripMargin + s"| --env ${defaultParams.env}" ) } def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { parser.parse(args, defaultParams).map { param => GmeiConfig.setup(param.env) val spark_env = GmeiConfig.getSparkSession() val sc = spark_env._2 val ti = new TiContext(sc) ti.tidbMapTable(dbName = "jerry_prod",tableName = "diary_video") ti.tidbMapTable(dbName = "jerry_prod",tableName = "data_feed_click") import sc.implicits._ val stat_date = GmeiConfig.getMinusNDate(1) println(stat_date) val video_cids = sc.sql( s""" |select distinct(cid_id) as cid_id |from data_feed_click |where cid_type = 'diary' |and cid_id in (select cid from diary_video where stat_date='${stat_date}') |and stat_date ='${stat_date}' """.stripMargin ) video_cids.createOrReplaceTempView("tmp1") val txt_cids = sc.sql( s""" |select distinct(cid_id) as cid_id |from data_feed_click |where cid_type = 'diary' |and cid_id not in (select cid from diary_video where stat_date='${stat_date}') |and stat_date ='${stat_date}' """.stripMargin ) txt_cids.createOrReplaceTempView("tmp2") val partition_date = stat_date.replace("-","") println(partition_date) val video_meigou_count = sc.sql( s""" |select '${stat_date}' as stat_date, count(page_name) as video_meigou_count |from online.bl_hdfs_page_view_updates pv inner join tmp1 |on pv.referrer_id = tmp1.cid_id |where pv.partition_date = '${partition_date}' |and pv.page_name='welfare_detail' |and pv.referrer='diary_detail' """.stripMargin ) val txt_meigou_count = sc.sql( s""" |select '${stat_date}' as stat_date, count(page_name) as txt_meigou_count |from online.bl_hdfs_page_view_updates pv inner join tmp2 |on pv.referrer_id = tmp2.cid_id |where pv.partition_date = '${partition_date}' |and pv.page_name='welfare_detail' |and pv.referrer='diary_detail' """.stripMargin ) val video_clk_count = sc.sql( s""" |select '${stat_date}' as stat_date, count(cid_id) as video_clk_count |from data_feed_click |where cid_type = 'diary' |and cid_id in (select cid from diary_video where stat_date='${stat_date}') |and stat_date='${stat_date}' """.stripMargin ) val txt_clk_count = sc.sql( s""" |select '${stat_date}' as stat_date, count(cid_id) as txt_clk_count |from data_feed_click |where cid_type = 'diary' |and cid_id not in (select cid from diary_video where stat_date='${stat_date}') |and stat_date='${stat_date}' """.stripMargin ) val video_count = sc.sql( s""" |select '${stat_date}' as stat_date,count(distinct(cid)) as video_count |from diary_video where stat_date='${stat_date}' """.stripMargin ) val result = video_clk_count.join(video_meigou_count,"stat_date") .join(txt_clk_count,"stat_date") .join(txt_meigou_count,"stat_date") .join(video_count,"stat_date") val result1 = result.withColumn("video_rate",result.col("video_meigou_count")/result.col("video_clk_count")) val result2 = result1.withColumn("txt_rate",result.col("txt_meigou_count")/result.col("txt_clk_count")) sc.stop() } } }