Commit 0dc34b1f authored by zhanglu's avatar zhanglu


parent 4250a56c
......@@ -521,8 +521,9 @@ class TopicUtils(object):
q = {
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {"match_all":{}},
"bool": {
"must": cls.process_filters(filters),
"must_not": cls.process_nfilters(nfilters),
"_source": {
......@@ -531,16 +532,6 @@ class TopicUtils(object):
"sort": [],
if filters or nfilters:
f = cls.process_filters(filters)
nf = cls.process_nfilters(nfilters)
q["query"]["filtered"]["filter"] = {
"bool": {
"must": f,
"must_not": nf,
if sorts_by:
sorts = cls.process_sort(sorts_by)
q["sort"] = sorts
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