Commit b66d67d9 authored by Kai's avatar Kai


parent b716022c
......@@ -106,7 +106,9 @@ def get_home_recommend_topic_ids(user_id, device_id, tag_id, offset, size, query
linucb_recommend_topic_id_list = json.loads(recommend_topic_dict[b"data"])
# 推荐帖子是强插的,要保证推荐帖子不在已读里
if linucb_recommend_topic_id_list != None and have_read_topic_id_list != None:
if have_read_topic_id_list == None:
have_read_topic_id_list = list()
recommend_topic_id_list = list(set(linucb_recommend_topic_id_list) - set(have_read_topic_id_list))
# cursor = int(str(recommend_topic_dict[b"cursor"], encoding="utf-8"))
......@@ -120,8 +122,8 @@ def get_home_recommend_topic_ids(user_id, device_id, tag_id, offset, size, query
if linucb_recommend_topic_id_dict is not None and len(recommend_topic_list) >0:
for i in recommend_topic_list:
if have_read_topic_id_list == None:
have_read_topic_id_list = list()
# if have_read_topic_id_list == None:
# have_read_topic_id_list = list()
# 用户关注标签
redis_tag_data = redis_client.hget("physical:linucb:register_user_tag_info", user_id)
attention_tag_list = json.loads(redis_tag_data) if redis_tag_data else []
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