Commit da6e01a8 authored by Igor Dejanovic's avatar Igor Dejanovic

Docs update. SemanticActionResult finished. Some fix in default action.

parent 451caaa0
......@@ -577,16 +577,34 @@ see ` <
PEG parser for the given language is built using semantic analysis.
Class of object returned from the parse tree nodes evaluation. Used for filtering and navigation over evaluation
results on children nodes.
TODO: Describe class in more details.
Instance of this class is given as ``children`` parameter of ``visitor_xxx`` methods.
This class inherits ``list`` so index access as well as iteration is available.
Furthermore, child nodes can be filtered by rule name using name lookup.
.. code:: python
def visit_bar(self, node, children):
# Index access
child = children[2]
# Iteration
for child in children:
# Rule name lookup
# Returns a list of all rules created by PEG rule 'baz'
baz_created = children['baz']
Default actions
For each parse tree node that does not have an appropriate ``visitor_xxx`` call a default action is performed.
For each parse tree node that does not have an appropriate ``visitor_xxx`` method a default action is performed.
If the node is created by a plain string match action will return ``None`` and thus suppress this node.
This is handy for all those syntax noise (bracket, braces, keywords etc.).
......@@ -603,7 +621,8 @@ rule will only see ``number`` child.
This behaviour can be disabled setting parameter ``defaults`` to ``False`` on visitor construction.
If you want to call this default behaviour from your visitor method call ``visit__default__(node, children)`` on
superclass (``PTNodeVisitor``).
Indices and tables
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