Commit e30f7617 authored by Igor Dejanovic's avatar Igor Dejanovic

Fixing peg_peg example

Reworked peg_peg example to align with the previous changes.
parent 94958f52
......@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@ from arpeggio.peg import ParserPEG
# Semantic actions
from arpeggio.peg import SemGrammar, SemRule, SemOrderedChoice, SemSequence,\
SemPrefix, SemSufix, SemExpression, SemRegEx, SemIdentifier, SemLiteral,\
SemPrefix, SemSufix, SemExpression, SemRegEx, SemStrMatch, SemRuleCrossRef
sem_actions = {
"grammar": SemGrammar(),
......@@ -28,29 +27,26 @@ sem_actions = {
"sufix": SemSufix(),
"expression": SemExpression(),
"regex": SemRegEx(),
"identifier": SemIdentifier(),
"literal": SemLiteral()
"str_match": SemStrMatch(),
"rule_crossref": SemRuleCrossRef()
for sem in ["LEFT_ARROW", "SLASH", "STAR", "QUESTION", "PLUS", "AND", "NOT",
sem_actions[sem] = SemTerminal()
# PEG defined using PEG itself.
peg_grammar = r"""
grammar <- rule+ EndOfFile;
rule <- identifier LEFT_ARROW ordered_choice ';';
grammar <- rule+ EOF;
rule <- rule_name LEFT_ARROW ordered_choice ';';
ordered_choice <- sequence (SLASH sequence)*;
sequence <- prefix+;
prefix <- (AND/NOT)? sufix;
sufix <- expression (QUESTION/STAR/PLUS)?;
expression <- regex / (identifier !LEFT_ARROW)
/ ("(" ordered_choice ")") / literal;
expression <- regex / rule_crossref
/ (OPEN ordered_choice CLOSE) / str_match;
identifier <- r'[a-zA-Z_]([a-zA-Z_]|[0-9])*';
rule_name <- r'[a-zA-Z_]([a-zA-Z_]|[0-9])*';
rule_crossref <- rule_name;
regex <- 'r\'' r'(\\\'|[^\'])*' '\'';
literal <- r'\'(\\\'|[^\'])*\'|"[^"]*"';
str_match <- r'\'(\\\'|[^\'])*\'|"[^"]*"';
LEFT_ARROW <- '<-';
SLASH <- '/';
AND <- '&';
......@@ -78,7 +74,7 @@ PMDOTExporter().exportFile(parser.parser_model,
# using PEG itself.
# Again we export parse tree in dot file for vizualization.
# Again we export parse tree in dot file for visualization.
......@@ -95,4 +91,3 @@ PMDOTExporter().exportFile(asg,
# parse PEG grammars
parser.parser_model = asg
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