Commit 587eb163 authored by Cornelius Edward's avatar Cornelius Edward


parent 1c48469c
import pytest
from ids_list import get_ids
import path_setting
from in_common.base_request import BaseRequest
from all_backend_api.account_request import account_request
class TestLoginVfc:
data = BaseRequest().api_load(path_setting.LOGIN_VFC)
loginvfc_case, loginvfc_data = get_ids(data, "login_vfc")
def test_login_vfc(self,param):
r = account_request().login_vfc(param["current_city_id"], param["phone_num"], param["vfc_code"])
if r["error"] == 0:
assert r["data"]["account_phone"] == param["assert"]
if r["error"] == 1:
assert r["message"] == param["assert"]
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