Commit c5b37c3b authored by Thierry's avatar Thierry

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parents 1ce9ea27 0a4180fd
# GMPhobos # GMPhobos
命名来源: ## About The Name
取名来源于数据中心的名字Mars(火星) The name is from the Data Center who named Mars
Phobos则是来自火卫一(,英语发音"FOH bus"),呈土豆形状,一日围绕火星3圈,距火星平均距离约9378公里。
Phobos (systematic designation: Mars I) is the larger and innermost of the two natural satellites of Mars, the other being Deimos. Both moons were discovered in 1877 by American astronomer Asaph Hall.
## Usage Phobos is a small, irregularly shaped object with a mean radius of 11 km (7 mi),[1] and is seven times more massive than Deimos, Mars's outer moon.
Phobos is named after the Greek god Phobos, a son of Ares (Mars) and Aphrodite (Venus) which was the personification of Horror.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run `pod install` from the Example directory first. The name "Phobos" is pronounced /ˈfoʊbəs/ foh-bəs, or like the Greek Φόβος.
## Requirements ## Requirements
依赖WMCacheService,和libz库 Require WMCacheService and libz
## Installation ## Installation
...@@ -22,9 +20,57 @@ it, simply add the following line to your Podfile: ...@@ -22,9 +20,57 @@ it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "GMPhobos" pod "GMPhobos"
``` ```
## Author Alternatively, you can install manually.
1 Get the code:
git clone
2 Drag the Phobos subfolder to your project. Check both “copy items into destination group’s folder” and your target.
## Configuration
While you are free to initialize as many instances of Phobos as is appropriate for your application, there is a shared singleton instance that is globally available.
This singleton instance is often configured in your app delegate’s application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:
#import "Phobos.h"
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
Phobos *client = [Phobos clientWithAppName:@"appname" channelId:@"appchannel"];
[Phobos setSharedClient:client];
/* ... */
return YES;
If you would like to specify a user, you can set the userId that is used with the -[setUserId:] class method.
WMUser *user = [[WMLoginManager shareInstance] user];
[client setUserId:user.userId];
licong, ## Sending Messages
Sending a basic message:
[[Phobos sharedClient] track:@"event_id"];
Sending a message with another attributes:
[[Phobos sharedClient] track:@"event_id" attributes:@{}];
Sending a message with another attributes and send immediately:
[[Phobos sharedClient] track:@"event_id" attributes:@{} sendNow:YES];
## Author
Guojun Zhai and Thierry Xing
## License ## License
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