Commit 1cdbcb5a authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King


parents 9beac18b bbe8b12d
......@@ -5,12 +5,29 @@
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <dlib/error.h>
#include <dlib/assert.h>
namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
struct invalid_args_exception : error
This is the exception thrown when the mex wrapper tries to convert a matlab
object into a C++ object but for whatever reason can't (usually because the
types don't match).
invalid_args_exception(const std::string& msg_): error(msg_) {}
invalid_args_exception(const std::ostringstream& msg_): error(msg_.str()) {}
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void check_for_matlab_ctrl_c();
......@@ -20,6 +37,62 @@ void check_for_matlab_ctrl_c();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class matlab_object
This object is a simple wrapper around matlab's generic mxArray, which is the
thing that is matlab's "anything object". So a matlab_object can be used as an
argument to a mex_function() that can bind to any matlab object at all. It can
also bind to "nothing" and so is inherently also an optional argument when
present in a mex_funciton().
matlab_object() : handle(0),should_free(false),arg_idx(0) {}
matlab_object(const matlab_object&) = delete;
// Check if a matlab object is bound to this object.
bool is_empty() const { return handle==0; }
operator bool() const { return handle!=0; }
// Convert from MATLAB to C++, throw invalid_args_exception if not possible.
template <typename T> operator T() const;
template <typename T> void get(T& item) const;
// Convert from a C++ object to MATLAB
template <typename T> matlab_object& operator= (const T& new_val);
template <typename T> bool try_get(T& item) const
try { get(item); return true; }
catch(invalid_args_exception&) { return false; }
const void* get_handle() const { return handle; }
- returns a pointer to the mxArray object. Might be NULL.
matlab_object& operator=(const matlab_object&) = delete;
// Users shouldn't call these functions
const void* release_object_to_matlab() { const void* temp=handle; handle = 0; return temp; }
void set_object_handle(int arg_idx_, const void* sh) { DLIB_CASSERT(!handle); handle = sh; arg_idx=arg_idx_; }
const void* handle;
bool should_free;
int arg_idx;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class matlab_struct
......@@ -42,7 +115,8 @@ class matlab_struct
class sub;
matlab_struct() : struct_handle(0),should_free(false) {}
matlab_struct() : struct_handle(0),should_free(false),arg_idx(0) {}
matlab_struct(const matlab_struct&) = delete;
const sub operator[] (const std::string& name) const;
......@@ -50,7 +124,7 @@ public:
bool has_field(const std::string& name) const;
const void* release_struct_to_matlab() { const void* temp=struct_handle; struct_handle = 0; return temp; }
void set_struct_handle(const void* sh) { struct_handle = sh; }
void set_struct_handle(int arg_idx_, const void* sh) { DLIB_CASSERT(!struct_handle); struct_handle = sh; arg_idx=arg_idx_; }
class sub
......@@ -72,6 +146,7 @@ private:
const void* struct_handle;
bool should_free;
int arg_idx;
matlab_struct& operator=(const matlab_struct&);
......@@ -46,6 +46,10 @@ using namespace std;
- Types corresponding to a MATLAB cell array
- a std::vector or dlib::array containing any of the above
types of objects or std::vector or dlib::array objects.
- matlab_struct and matlab_object. These are special types defined in the
call_matlab.h file and correspond to matlab structs and arbitrary matlab
objects respectively.
......@@ -339,12 +339,6 @@ namespace mex_binding
struct user_hit_ctrl_c {};
struct invalid_args_exception
invalid_args_exception(const std::string& msg_): msg(msg_) {}
std::string msg;
// -------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T>
......@@ -410,15 +404,13 @@ namespace mex_binding
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "Argument " << arg_idx+1 << " expects a matrix with " << matrix_type::NR << " rows but got one with " <<;
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
if (matrix_type::NC != 0 && matrix_type::NC !=
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "Argument " << arg_idx+1 << " expects a matrix with " << matrix_type::NC << " columns but got one with " <<;
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
......@@ -453,8 +445,7 @@ namespace mex_binding
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "mex_function has some bug in it related to processing input argument " << arg_idx+1;
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
......@@ -475,8 +466,7 @@ namespace mex_binding
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "Error, input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a non-negative number.";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
......@@ -497,8 +487,7 @@ namespace mex_binding
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "mex_function has some bug in it related to processing input argument " << arg_idx+1;
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
......@@ -524,8 +513,7 @@ namespace mex_binding
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "mex_function has some bug in it related to processing input argument " << arg_idx+1;
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
......@@ -549,14 +537,14 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsCell(src))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a cell array";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a cell array";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
if (nr != 1 && nc != 1)
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a cell array with exactly 1 row or 1 column (i.e. a row or column vector)";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a cell array with exactly 1 row or 1 column (i.e. a row or column vector)";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
const long size = nr*nc;
......@@ -572,8 +560,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "Error in argument " << arg_idx+1 << ": element " << i+1 << " of cell array not the expected type.\n";
sout << "\t" << e.msg;
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "\t" << e.what();
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
......@@ -591,8 +579,7 @@ namespace mex_binding
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "mex_function has some bug in it related to processing input argument " << arg_idx+1;
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
// -------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -608,8 +595,7 @@ namespace mex_binding
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "mex_function has some bug in it related to processing input argument " << arg_idx+1;
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
template <typename MM>
......@@ -657,8 +643,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
mxGetNumberOfElements(prhs)!=1 )
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a scalar";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a scalar";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
assign_scalar(arg_idx, arg , mxGetScalar(prhs));
......@@ -676,8 +662,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!(num_dims == 3 && mxGetDimensions(prhs)[2] == 3 && mxIsUint8(prhs)))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a 3-D NxMx3 image matrix of uint8";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a 3-D NxMx3 image matrix of uint8";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
const long rows = mxGetDimensions(prhs)[0];
......@@ -689,8 +675,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (num_dims != 2)
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a 2-D matrix (got a " << num_dims << "-D matrix)";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a 2-D matrix (got a " << num_dims << "-D matrix)";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
......@@ -699,8 +685,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsDouble(prhs) || mxIsComplex(prhs))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of doubles";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of doubles";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
if (is_column_major_matrix<T>::value)
call_private_set_mxArray(arg, (mxArray*)prhs);
......@@ -712,8 +698,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsSingle(prhs) || mxIsComplex(prhs))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of single/float";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of single/float";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
if (is_column_major_matrix<T>::value)
......@@ -726,8 +712,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsLogical(prhs))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of logical elements.";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of logical elements.";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
DLIB_CASSERT(sizeof(mxLogical) == sizeof(bool),"logical matrices are not supported by the mex wrapper when mxLogical isn't a bool.");
......@@ -738,8 +724,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsUint8(prhs) || mxIsComplex(prhs))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of uint8";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of uint8";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
assign_mat(arg_idx, arg , pointer_to_matrix((const dlib::uint8*)mxGetData(prhs), nc, nr));
......@@ -749,8 +735,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsInt8(prhs) || mxIsComplex(prhs))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of int8";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of int8";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
assign_mat(arg_idx, arg , pointer_to_matrix((const dlib::int8*)mxGetData(prhs), nc, nr));
......@@ -761,8 +747,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsInt16(prhs) || mxIsComplex(prhs))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of int16";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of int16";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
assign_mat(arg_idx, arg , pointer_to_matrix((const type*)mxGetData(prhs), nc, nr));
......@@ -773,8 +759,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsUint16(prhs) || mxIsComplex(prhs))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of uint16";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of uint16";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
assign_mat(arg_idx, arg , pointer_to_matrix((const type*)mxGetData(prhs), nc, nr));
......@@ -786,8 +772,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsInt32(prhs) || mxIsComplex(prhs))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of int32";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of int32";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
assign_mat(arg_idx, arg , pointer_to_matrix((const type*)mxGetData(prhs), nc, nr));
......@@ -799,8 +785,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsUint32(prhs) || mxIsComplex(prhs))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of uint32";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of uint32";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
assign_mat(arg_idx, arg , pointer_to_matrix((const type*)mxGetData(prhs), nc, nr));
......@@ -812,8 +798,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsUint64(prhs) || mxIsComplex(prhs))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of uint64";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of uint64";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
assign_mat(arg_idx, arg , pointer_to_matrix((const type*)mxGetData(prhs), nc, nr));
......@@ -825,16 +811,15 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsInt64(prhs) || mxIsComplex(prhs))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of int64";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a matrix of int64";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
assign_mat(arg_idx, arg , pointer_to_matrix((const type*)mxGetData(prhs), nc, nr));
"mex_function uses unsupported matrix type");
throw invalid_args_exception("mex_function uses unsupported matrix type");
else if (is_array_type<T>::value)
......@@ -847,15 +832,14 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsClass(prhs, "function_handle"))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a function handle.";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a function handle.";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
assign_function_handle(arg_idx, arg, prhs);
"mex_function uses unsupported input argument type");
throw invalid_args_exception("mex_function uses unsupported input argument type");
......@@ -868,11 +852,21 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsStruct(prhs))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a struct";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a struct";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
arg.set_struct_handle(arg_idx, prhs);
void validate_and_populate_arg(
long arg_idx,
const mxArray *prhs,
matlab_object& arg
arg.set_object_handle(arg_idx, prhs);
......@@ -885,8 +879,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (!mxIsChar(prhs))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a char string";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " must be a char string";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
const long nr = mxGetM(prhs);
......@@ -896,8 +890,8 @@ namespace mex_binding
if (mxGetString(prhs, &arg[0], arg.size()))
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << " argument " << arg_idx+1 << " encountered an error while calling mxGetString()";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout.str());
sout << "Input argument " << arg_idx+1 << " encountered an error while calling mxGetString()";
throw invalid_args_exception(sout);
......@@ -1133,6 +1127,14 @@ namespace mex_binding
plhs = (mxArray*)item.release_struct_to_matlab();
void assign_to_matlab(
mxArray*& plhs,
matlab_object& item
plhs = (mxArray*)item.release_object_to_matlab();
void assign_to_matlab(
mxArray*& plhs,
const std::string& item
......@@ -2714,6 +2716,14 @@ namespace mex_binding
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T> struct is_matlab_object { const static bool value = false; };
template <> struct is_matlab_object <matlab_object> { const static bool value = true; };
template <> struct is_matlab_object <const matlab_object> { const static bool value = true; };
template <> struct is_matlab_object <matlab_object&> { const static bool value = true; };
template <> struct is_matlab_object <const matlab_object&> { const static bool value = true; };
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
......@@ -2929,12 +2939,36 @@ namespace mex_binding
// Arguments with type matlab_object are optional in both input and output.
int num_optional_inputs = 0;
int num_optional_outputs = 0;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg20_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg20_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg19_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg19_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg18_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg18_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg17_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg17_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg16_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg16_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg15_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg15_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg14_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg14_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg13_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg13_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg12_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg12_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg11_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg11_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg10_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg10_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg9_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg9_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg8_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg8_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg7_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg7_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg6_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg6_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg5_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg5_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg4_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg4_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg3_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg3_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg2_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg2_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
if (is_matlab_object<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg1_type>::value) if (is_input_type<typename sig_traits<funct>::arg1_type>::value) ++num_optional_inputs; else ++num_optional_outputs;
/* check for proper number of arguments */
if(nrhs > expected_nrhs || nrhs < expected_nrhs - defaulted_args)
if(nrhs > expected_nrhs || nrhs < expected_nrhs - defaulted_args - num_optional_inputs)
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "Expected between " << expected_nrhs-defaulted_args
sout << "Expected between " << expected_nrhs-defaulted_args - num_optional_inputs
<< " and " << expected_nrhs << " input arguments, got " << nrhs << ".";
......@@ -3133,7 +3167,7 @@ namespace mex_binding
catch (invalid_args_exception& e)
throw dlib::error("Error occurred calling MATLAB function '" + function_name + "' from mex file. \n"
"The MATLAB function didn't return what we expected it to. \nIn particular, return" + e.msg);
"The MATLAB function didn't return what we expected it to. \nIn particular, return" + string(e.what()));
......@@ -4369,6 +4403,54 @@ namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (handle && should_free)
handle = 0;
template <typename T>
operator T(
) const
T item;
return item;
template <typename T>
void matlab_object::
T& item
) const
if (handle == 0)
throw dlib::invalid_args_exception("An attempt was made to access an empty matlab_object.");
template <typename T>
matlab_object& matlab_object::
operator= (
const T& new_val
mxArray* item;
mex_binding::assign_to_matlab(item, new_val);
handle = item;
should_free = true;
return *this;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -4398,7 +4480,7 @@ namespace dlib
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "Struct field '" << mxGetFieldNameByNumber((const mxArray*)struct_handle, field_idx) << "' can't be interpreted as the requested type."
<< endl << e.msg;
<< endl << e.what();
throw dlib::error(sout.str());
......@@ -5013,7 +5095,7 @@ void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
catch (mex_binding::invalid_args_exception& e)
mex_binding::escape_percent("Input" + e.msg).c_str());
catch (mex_binding::user_hit_ctrl_c& )
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