Commit 1efcfb3d authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Made the sequence_segmenter work with both BIO and BILOU tagging models.

parent 6d623eeb
......@@ -16,9 +16,13 @@ namespace dlib
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// BIO/BILOU labels
const unsigned int BEGIN = 0;
const unsigned int INSIDE = 1;
const unsigned int OUTSIDE = 2;
const unsigned int LAST = 3;
const unsigned int UNIT = 4;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -52,13 +56,11 @@ namespace dlib
unsigned long num_features() const
const int base_dims = fe.num_features();
return num_labels()*(
num_labels() + // previous and current label
base_dims*fe.window_size() + // window around current element
num_labels()*base_dims*fe.window_size() // window around current element in conjunction with previous label
const unsigned long NL = ss_feature_extractor::use_BIO_model ? 3 : 5;
if (ss_feature_extractor::use_high_order_features)
return NL*NL + (NL*NL+NL)*fe.num_features()*fe.window_size();
return NL*NL + NL*fe.num_features()*fe.window_size();
unsigned long order() const
......@@ -68,7 +70,10 @@ namespace dlib
unsigned long num_labels() const
if (ss_feature_extractor::use_BIO_model)
return 3;
return 5;
......@@ -112,11 +117,59 @@ namespace dlib
const matrix_exp<EXP>& y,
unsigned long
) const
if (ss_feature_extractor::use_BIO_model)
// Don't allow BIO label patterns that don't correspond to a sensical
// segmentation.
if (y.size() > 1 && y(0) == INSIDE && y(1) == OUTSIDE)
return true;
if (y.size() == 1 && y(0) == INSIDE)
return true;
// Don't allow BILOU label patterns that don't correspond to a sensical
// segmentation.
if (y.size() > 1)
if (y(1) == BEGIN && y(0) == OUTSIDE)
return true;
if (y(1) == BEGIN && y(0) == UNIT)
return true;
if (y(1) == BEGIN && y(0) == BEGIN)
return true;
if (y(1) == INSIDE && y(0) == BEGIN)
return true;
if (y(1) == INSIDE && y(0) == OUTSIDE)
return true;
if (y(1) == INSIDE && y(0) == UNIT)
return true;
if (y(1) == OUTSIDE && y(0) == INSIDE)
return true;
if (y(1) == OUTSIDE && y(0) == LAST)
return true;
if (y(1) == LAST && y(0) == INSIDE)
return true;
if (y(1) == LAST && y(0) == LAST)
return true;
if (y(1) == UNIT && y(0) == INSIDE)
return true;
if (y(1) == UNIT && y(0) == LAST)
return true;
if (y(0) == INSIDE)
return true;
if (y(0) == LAST)
return true;
return false;
......@@ -146,7 +199,8 @@ namespace dlib
const unsigned long off1 = y(0)*base_dims;
dot_functor<feature_setter> fs1(set_feature, offset+off1);
fe.get_features(fs1, x, pos);
if (y.size() > 1)
if (ss_feature_extractor::use_high_order_features && y.size() > 1)
const unsigned long off2 = num_labels()*base_dims + (y(0)*num_labels()+y(1))*base_dims;
dot_functor<feature_setter> fs2(set_feature, offset+off2);
......@@ -154,7 +208,10 @@ namespace dlib
offset += num_labels()*(base_dims + num_labels()*base_dims);
if (ss_feature_extractor::use_high_order_features)
offset += num_labels()*base_dims + num_labels()*num_labels()*base_dims;
offset += num_labels()*base_dims;
......@@ -171,7 +228,11 @@ namespace dlib
const feature_extractor& fe
return 3*3 + 12*fe.num_features()*fe.window_size();
const unsigned long NL = feature_extractor::use_BIO_model ? 3 : 5;
if (feature_extractor::use_high_order_features)
return NL*NL + (NL*NL+NL)*fe.num_features()*fe.window_size();
return NL*NL + NL*fe.num_features()*fe.window_size();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -272,6 +333,8 @@ namespace dlib
std::vector<unsigned long> labels;
labeler.label_sequence(x, labels);
if (feature_extractor::use_BIO_model)
// Convert from BIO tagging to the explicit segments representation.
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i)
......@@ -287,6 +350,27 @@ namespace dlib
// Convert from BILOU tagging to the explicit segments representation.
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i)
if (labels[i] == impl_ss::BEGIN)
const unsigned long begin = i;
while (i < labels.size() && labels[i] == impl_ss::INSIDE)
y.push_back(std::make_pair(begin, i+1));
else if (labels[i] == impl_ss::UNIT)
y.push_back(std::make_pair(i, i+1));
friend void serialize(const sequence_segmenter& item, std::ostream& out)
......@@ -26,25 +26,30 @@ namespace dlib
Where w is a parameter vector and the label sequence defines a segmentation
of x.
Recall that a sequence_segmenter uses the BIO tagging model and is also an
instantiation of the dlib::sequence_labeler. This means that each element
of the label sequence y takes on one of three possible values (B, I, or O)
and together these labels define a segmentation of the sequence. For example,
to represent a segmentation of the sequence of words "The dog ran to Bob Jones"
where only "Bob Jones" was segmented out we would use the label sequence OOOOBI.
Keeping this in mind, the purpose of a sequence_segmenter is to take care
of the bookkeeping associated with creating BIO tagging models for
segmentation tasks. In particular, it presents the user with a simplified
version of the interface used by the dlib::sequence_labeler. It does this
by completely hiding the BIO tags from the user and instead exposes an
explicit sub-segment based labeling representation. It also simplifies the
construction of the PSI() feature vector.
Recall that a sequence_segmenter uses the BIO or BILOU tagging model and is
also an instantiation of the dlib::sequence_labeler. Selecting to use the
BIO model means that each element of the label sequence y takes on one of
three possible values (B, I, or O) and together these labels define a
segmentation of the sequence. For example, to represent a segmentation of
the sequence of words "The dog ran to Bob Jones" where only "Bob Jones" was
segmented out we would use the label sequence OOOOBI. The BILOU model is
similar except that it uses five different labels and each segment is
labeled as U, BL, BIL, BIIL, BIIIL, and so on depending on its length.
Therefore, the BILOU model is able to more explicitly model the ends of the
segments than the BIO model, but has more parameters to estimate.
Keeping all this in mind, the purpose of a sequence_segmenter is to take
care of the bookkeeping associated with creating BIO/BILOU tagging models
for segmentation tasks. In particular, it presents the user with a
simplified version of the interface used by the dlib::sequence_labeler. It
does this by completely hiding the BIO/BILOU tags from the user and instead
exposes an explicit sub-segment based labeling representation. It also
simplifies the construction of the PSI() feature vector.
Like in the dlib::sequence_labeler, PSI() is a sum of feature vectors, each
derived from the entire input sequence x but only part of the label
sequence y. In the case of the sequence_segmenter, we use an order one
model Markov. This means that that
model Markov. This means that
PSI(x,y) == sum_i XI(x, y_{i-1}, y_{i}, i)
where the sum is taken over all the elements in the sequence. At each
element we extract a feature vector, XI(), that is expected to encode
......@@ -61,12 +66,12 @@ namespace dlib
independent of any labeling. We denote this feature vector by ZI(x,i), where
x is the sequence and i is the position in question.
For example, suppose we use a window size of 3, then we can put all this
together and define XI() in terms of ZI(). To do this, we can think of
XI() as containing 12*3 slots which contain either a zero vector or a ZI()
vector. Each combination of window position and labeling has a different
slot. To explain further, consider the following examples where we have
annotated which parts of XI() correspond to each slot.
For example, suppose we use a window size of 3 and BIO tags, then we can
put all this together and define XI() in terms of ZI(). To do this, we can
think of XI() as containing 12*3 slots which contain either a zero vector
or a ZI() vector. Each combination of window position and labeling has a
different slot. To explain further, consider the following examples where
we have annotated which parts of XI() correspond to each slot.
If the previous and current label are both B and we use a window size of 3
then XI() would be instantiated as:
......@@ -153,6 +158,9 @@ namespace dlib
0 > If previous label is O and current label is O
0] /
If we had instead used the BILOU tagging model the XI() vector would
have been similarly defined except that there would be 5*5+5 slots for
the various label combination instead of 3*3+3.
Finally, while not shown here, we also include nine indicator features
in XI() to model label transitions.
......@@ -168,6 +176,19 @@ namespace dlib
// anything so long as it has a .size() which returns the length of the sequence.
typedef the_type_used_to_represent_a_sequence sequence_type;
// If you want to use the BIO tagging model then set this bool to true. Set it to
// false to use the BILOU tagging model.
const static bool use_BIO_model = true;
// In the WHAT THIS OBJECT REPRESENTS section above we discussed how we model the
// conjunction of the previous label and the window around each position. Doing
// this greatly expands the size of the parameter vector w. You can optionally
// disable these higher order features by setting the use_high_order_features bool
// to false. This will cause XI() to include only slots which are independent of
// the previous label.
const static bool use_high_order_features = true;
example_feature_extractor (
......@@ -257,9 +278,8 @@ namespace dlib
- fe must be an object that implements an interface compatible with the
example_feature_extractor discussed above.
- returns 3*3 + 12*fe.num_features()*fe.window_size()
(i.e. returns the dimensionality of the PSI() vector defined by the given
feature extractor.
- returns the dimensionality of the PSI() vector defined by the given feature
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -283,10 +303,11 @@ namespace dlib
contiguous words which refer to proper names.
The sequence_segmenter is implemented using the BIO (Begin, Inside,
Outside) sequence tagging model. Moreover, the sequence tagging is done
internally using a dlib::sequence_labeler object and therefore
sequence_segmenter objects are examples of chain structured conditional
random field style sequence taggers.
Outside) or BILOU (Begin, Inside, Last, Outside, Unit) sequence tagging
model. Moreover, the sequence tagging is done internally using a
dlib::sequence_labeler object and therefore sequence_segmenter objects are
examples of chain structured conditional random field style sequence
It is always safe to use distinct instances of this object in different
......@@ -142,8 +142,10 @@ namespace dlib
<< "\n\t this: " << this
// convert y into tagged BIO labels
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned long> > labels(y.size());
if (feature_extractor::use_BIO_model)
// convert y into tagged BIO labels
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i)
labels[i].resize(x[i].size(), impl_ss::OUTSIDE);
......@@ -159,6 +161,34 @@ namespace dlib
// convert y into tagged BILOU labels
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < labels.size(); ++i)
labels[i].resize(x[i].size(), impl_ss::OUTSIDE);
for (unsigned long j = 0; j < y[i].size(); ++j)
const unsigned long begin = y[i][j].first;
const unsigned long end = y[i][j].second;
if (begin != end)
if (begin+1==end)
labels[i][begin] = impl_ss::UNIT;
labels[i][begin] = impl_ss::BEGIN;
for (unsigned long k = begin+1; k+1 < end; ++k)
labels[i][k] = impl_ss::INSIDE;
labels[i][end-1] = impl_ss::LAST;
sequence_labeler<impl_ss::feature_extractor<feature_extractor> > temp;
temp = trainer.train(x, labels);
......@@ -20,10 +20,14 @@ namespace
dlib::rand rnd;
template <bool use_BIO_model_, bool use_high_order_features_>
class unigram_extractor
const static bool use_BIO_model = use_BIO_model_;
const static bool use_high_order_features = use_high_order_features_;
typedef std::vector<unsigned long> sequence_type;
std::map<unsigned long, matrix<double,0,1> > feats;
......@@ -64,12 +68,14 @@ namespace
void serialize(const unigram_extractor& item , std::ostream& out )
template <bool use_BIO_model_, bool use_high_order_features_>
void serialize(const unigram_extractor<use_BIO_model_,use_high_order_features_>& item , std::ostream& out )
serialize(item.feats, out);
void deserialize(unigram_extractor& item, std::istream& in)
template <bool use_BIO_model_, bool use_high_order_features_>
void deserialize(unigram_extractor<use_BIO_model_,use_high_order_features_>& item, std::istream& in)
deserialize(item.feats, in);
......@@ -89,7 +95,7 @@ namespace
unigram_extractor fe;
unigram_extractor<true,true> fe;
dlib::rand rnd;
for (unsigned long iter = 0; iter < dataset_size; ++iter)
......@@ -161,22 +167,27 @@ namespace
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <bool use_BIO_model, bool use_high_order_features>
void do_test()
dlog << LINFO << "use_BIO_model: "<< use_BIO_model;
dlog << LINFO << "use_high_order_features: "<< use_high_order_features;
std::vector<std::vector<unsigned long> > samples;
std::vector<std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long,unsigned long> > > segments;
make_dataset2( samples, segments, 200);
typedef unigram_extractor<use_BIO_model,use_high_order_features> fe_type;
unigram_extractor fe_temp;
unigram_extractor fe_temp2;
structural_sequence_segmentation_trainer<unigram_extractor> trainer(fe_temp2);
fe_type fe_temp;
fe_type fe_temp2;
structural_sequence_segmentation_trainer<fe_type> trainer(fe_temp2);
sequence_segmenter<unigram_extractor> labeler = trainer.train(samples, segments);
sequence_segmenter<fe_type> labeler = trainer.train(samples, segments);
......@@ -215,7 +226,7 @@ namespace
ostringstream sout;
serialize(labeler, sout);
istringstream sin(sout.str());
sequence_segmenter<unigram_extractor> labeler2;
sequence_segmenter<fe_type> labeler2;
deserialize(labeler2, sin);
res = test_sequence_segmenter(labeler2, samples, segments);
......@@ -238,7 +249,10 @@ namespace
void perform_test (
} a;
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