Commit 24687a9e authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added grid_stride_range_y cuda tool

parent 32dd3f2f
......@@ -249,6 +249,91 @@ namespace dlib
size_t iend;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class grid_stride_range_y
This object is just like grid_stride_range except that it looks at
CUDA's y thread index (e.g. threadIdx.y) instead of the x index.
Therefore, if you launch a cuda kernel with a statement like:
dim3 blocks(10,1);
dim3 threads(32,32); // You need to have x any not equal to 1 to get parallelism over both loops.
You can perform a nested 2D parallel for loop rather than doing just a
1D for loop.
So the code in the kernel would look like this if you wanted to add two
2D matrices:
__global__ void add_arrays(
const float* a,
const float* b,
float* out,
size_t nr,
size_t nc
for (auto r : grid_stride_range_y(0, nr))
for (auto c : grid_stride_range(0, nc))
auto i = r*nc+c;
out[i] = a[i]+b[i];
__device__ grid_stride_range_y(
size_t ibegin_,
size_t iend_
) :
class iterator
__device__ iterator() {}
__device__ iterator(size_t pos_) : pos(pos_) {}
__device__ size_t operator*() const
return pos;
__device__ iterator& operator++()
pos += gridDim.y * blockDim.y;
return *this;
__device__ bool operator!=(const iterator& item) const
{ return pos < item.pos; }
size_t pos;
__device__ iterator begin() const
return iterator(ibegin+blockDim.y * blockIdx.y + threadIdx.y);
__device__ iterator end() const
return iterator(iend);
size_t ibegin;
size_t iend;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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