Commit 70c6f7b8 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Minor cleanup

parent c0097a78
......@@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ ensures \n\
the input image. \n\
- The returned filter has get_scale()*2+1 rows and columns." ;
py::class_<image_gradients>(m, "image_gradients",
const char* class_docs =
"This class is a tool for computing first and second derivatives of an \n\
image. It does this by fitting a quadratic surface around each pixel and \n\
then computing the gradients of that quadratic surface. For the details \n\
......@@ -619,8 +619,9 @@ since the entire gradient estimation procedure, for each type of gradient, \n\
is accomplished by cross-correlating the image with a single separable \n\
filter. This means you can compute gradients at very large scales (e.g. by \n\
fitting the quadratic to a large window, like a 99x99 window) and it still \n\
runs very quickly."
runs very quickly.";
py::class_<image_gradients>(m, "image_gradients", class_docs)
.def(py::init<long>(), "Creates this class with the provided scale. i.e. get_scale()==scale. \nscale must be >= 1.", py::arg("scale"))
.def(py::init<>(), "Creates this class with a scale of 1. i.e. get_scale()==1")
.def("gradient_x", [](image_gradients& g, const numpy_image<unsigned char>& img){
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