Commit 8516442a authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added extract_image_chip() and extract_image_chips() to the Python API.

parent c210395c
......@@ -595,6 +595,348 @@ numpy_image<unsigned char> py_mbd2 (
return out;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <typename T>
numpy_image<T> py_extract_image_chip (
const numpy_image<T>& img,
const chip_details& chip_location
numpy_image<T> out;
extract_image_chip(img, chip_location, out);
return out;
template <typename T>
py::list py_extract_image_chips (
const numpy_image<T>& img,
const py::list& chip_locations
dlib::array<numpy_image<T>> out;
extract_image_chips(img, python_list_to_vector<chip_details>(chip_locations), out);
py::list ret;
for (auto& i : out)
return ret;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void register_extract_image_chip (py::module& m)
const char* class_docs =
This is a simple tool for passing in a pair of row and column values to the \n\
chip_details constructor.";
auto print_chip_dims_str = [](const chip_dims& d)
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "rows="<< d.rows << ", cols=" << d.cols;
return sout.str();
auto print_chip_dims_repr = [](const chip_dims& d)
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "chip_dims(rows="<< d.rows << ", cols=" << d.cols << ")";
return sout.str();
py::class_<chip_dims>(m, "chip_dims", class_docs)
.def(py::init<unsigned long, unsigned long>(), py::arg("rows"), py::arg("cols"))
.def("__str__", print_chip_dims_str)
.def("__repr__", print_chip_dims_repr)
.def_readwrite("rows", &chip_dims::rows)
.def_readwrite("cols", &chip_dims::cols);
auto print_chip_details_str = [](const chip_details& d)
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "rect=" << d.rect << ", angle="<< d.angle << ", rows="<< d.rows << ", cols=" << d.cols;
return sout.str();
auto print_chip_details_repr = [](const chip_details& d)
std::ostringstream sout;
sout << "chip_details(rect=drectangle("
<< d.rect.left()<<","<<<<","<<d.rect.right()<<","<<d.rect.bottom()
<<"), angle="<< d.angle << ", dims=chip_dims(rows="<< d.rows << ", cols=" << d.cols << "))";
return sout.str();
class_docs =
This object describes where an image chip is to be extracted from within \n\
another image. In particular, it specifies that the image chip is \n\
contained within the rectangle self.rect and that prior to extraction the \n\
image should be rotated counter-clockwise by self.angle radians. Finally, \n\
the extracted chip should have self.rows rows and self.cols columns in it \n\
regardless of the shape of self.rect. This means that the extracted chip \n\
will be stretched to fit via bilinear interpolation when necessary." ;
This object describes where an image chip is to be extracted from within
another image. In particular, it specifies that the image chip is
contained within the rectangle self.rect and that prior to extraction the
image should be rotated counter-clockwise by self.angle radians. Finally,
the extracted chip should have self.rows rows and self.cols columns in it
regardless of the shape of self.rect. This means that the extracted chip
will be stretched to fit via bilinear interpolation when necessary.
py::class_<chip_details>(m, "chip_details", class_docs)
.def(py::init<drectangle>(), py::arg("rect"))
.def(py::init<rectangle>(), py::arg("rect"),
"ensures \n\
- self.rect == rect_ \n\
- self.angle == 0 \n\
- self.rows == rect.height() \n\
- self.cols == rect.width()"
- self.rect == rect_
- self.angle == 0
- self.rows == rect.height()
- self.cols == rect.width()
.def(py::init<drectangle,unsigned long>(), py::arg("rect"), py::arg("size"))
.def(py::init<rectangle,unsigned long>(), py::arg("rect"), py::arg("size"),
"ensures \n\
- self.rect == rect \n\
- self.angle == 0 \n\
- self.rows and self.cols is set such that the total size of the chip is as close \n\
to size as possible but still matches the aspect ratio of rect. \n\
- As long as size and the aspect ratio of of rect stays constant then \n\
self.rows and self.cols will always have the same values. This means \n\
that, for example, if you want all your chips to have the same dimensions \n\
then ensure that size is always the same and also that rect always has \n\
the same aspect ratio. Otherwise the calculated values of self.rows and \n\
self.cols may be different for different chips. Alternatively, you can \n\
use the chip_details constructor below that lets you specify the exact \n\
values for rows and cols."
- self.rect == rect
- self.angle == 0
- self.rows and self.cols is set such that the total size of the chip is as close
to size as possible but still matches the aspect ratio of rect.
- As long as size and the aspect ratio of of rect stays constant then
self.rows and self.cols will always have the same values. This means
that, for example, if you want all your chips to have the same dimensions
then ensure that size is always the same and also that rect always has
the same aspect ratio. Otherwise the calculated values of self.rows and
self.cols may be different for different chips. Alternatively, you can
use the chip_details constructor below that lets you specify the exact
values for rows and cols.
.def(py::init<drectangle,unsigned long,double>(), py::arg("rect"), py::arg("size"), py::arg("angle"))
.def(py::init<rectangle,unsigned long,double>(), py::arg("rect"), py::arg("size"), py::arg("angle"),
"ensures \n\
- self.rect == rect \n\
- self.angle == angle \n\
- self.rows and self.cols is set such that the total size of the chip is as \n\
close to size as possible but still matches the aspect ratio of rect. \n\
- As long as size and the aspect ratio of of rect stays constant then \n\
self.rows and self.cols will always have the same values. This means \n\
that, for example, if you want all your chips to have the same dimensions \n\
then ensure that size is always the same and also that rect always has \n\
the same aspect ratio. Otherwise the calculated values of self.rows and \n\
self.cols may be different for different chips. Alternatively, you can \n\
use the chip_details constructor below that lets you specify the exact \n\
values for rows and cols."
- self.rect == rect
- self.angle == angle
- self.rows and self.cols is set such that the total size of the chip is as
close to size as possible but still matches the aspect ratio of rect.
- As long as size and the aspect ratio of of rect stays constant then
self.rows and self.cols will always have the same values. This means
that, for example, if you want all your chips to have the same dimensions
then ensure that size is always the same and also that rect always has
the same aspect ratio. Otherwise the calculated values of self.rows and
self.cols may be different for different chips. Alternatively, you can
use the chip_details constructor below that lets you specify the exact
values for rows and cols.
.def(py::init<drectangle,chip_dims>(), py::arg("rect"), py::arg("dims"))
.def(py::init<rectangle,chip_dims>(), py::arg("rect"), py::arg("dims"),
"ensures \n\
- self.rect == rect \n\
- self.angle == 0 \n\
- self.rows == dims.rows \n\
- self.cols == dims.cols"
- self.rect == rect
- self.angle == 0
- self.rows == dims.rows
- self.cols == dims.cols
.def(py::init<drectangle,chip_dims,double>(), py::arg("rect"), py::arg("dims"), py::arg("angle"))
.def(py::init<rectangle,chip_dims,double>(), py::arg("rect"), py::arg("dims"), py::arg("angle"),
"ensures \n\
- self.rect == rect \n\
- self.angle == angle \n\
- self.rows == dims.rows \n\
- self.cols == dims.cols"
- self.rect == rect
- self.angle == angle
- self.rows == dims.rows
- self.cols == dims.cols
.def(py::init<std::vector<dpoint>,std::vector<dpoint>,chip_dims>(), py::arg("chip_points"), py::arg("img_points"), py::arg("dims"))
.def(py::init<std::vector<point>,std::vector<point>,chip_dims>(), py::arg("chip_points"), py::arg("img_points"), py::arg("dims"),
"requires \n\
- len(chip_points) == len(img_points) \n\
- len(chip_points) >= 2 \n\
ensures \n\
- The chip will be extracted such that the pixel locations chip_points[i] \n\
in the chip are mapped to img_points[i] in the original image by a \n\
similarity transform. That is, if you know the pixelwize mapping you \n\
want between the chip and the original image then you use this function \n\
of chip_details constructor to define the mapping. \n\
- self.rows == dims.rows \n\
- self.cols == dims.cols \n\
- self.rect and self.angle are computed based on the given size of the output chip \n\
(specified by dims) and the similarity transform between the chip and \n\
image (specified by chip_points and img_points)."
- len(chip_points) == len(img_points)
- len(chip_points) >= 2
- The chip will be extracted such that the pixel locations chip_points[i]
in the chip are mapped to img_points[i] in the original image by a
similarity transform. That is, if you know the pixelwize mapping you
want between the chip and the original image then you use this function
of chip_details constructor to define the mapping.
- self.rows == dims.rows
- self.cols == dims.cols
- self.rect and self.angle are computed based on the given size of the output chip
(specified by dims) and the similarity transform between the chip and
image (specified by chip_points and img_points).
.def("__str__", print_chip_details_str)
.def("__repr__", print_chip_details_repr)
.def_readwrite("rect", &chip_details::rect)
.def_readwrite("angle", &chip_details::angle)
.def_readwrite("rows", &chip_details::rows)
.def_readwrite("cols", &chip_details::cols);
m.def("extract_image_chip", &py_extract_image_chip<uint8_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_location"));
m.def("extract_image_chip", &py_extract_image_chip<uint16_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_location"));
m.def("extract_image_chip", &py_extract_image_chip<uint32_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_location"));
m.def("extract_image_chip", &py_extract_image_chip<uint64_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_location"));
m.def("extract_image_chip", &py_extract_image_chip<int8_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_location"));
m.def("extract_image_chip", &py_extract_image_chip<int16_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_location"));
m.def("extract_image_chip", &py_extract_image_chip<int32_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_location"));
m.def("extract_image_chip", &py_extract_image_chip<int64_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_location"));
m.def("extract_image_chip", &py_extract_image_chip<float>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_location"));
m.def("extract_image_chip", &py_extract_image_chip<double>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_location"));
m.def("extract_image_chip", &py_extract_image_chip<rgb_pixel>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_location"),
" This routine is just like extract_image_chips() except it takes a single \n"
" chip_details object and returns a single chip image rather than a list of images."
m.def("extract_image_chips", &py_extract_image_chips<uint8_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_locations"));
m.def("extract_image_chips", &py_extract_image_chips<uint16_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_locations"));
m.def("extract_image_chips", &py_extract_image_chips<uint32_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_locations"));
m.def("extract_image_chips", &py_extract_image_chips<uint64_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_locations"));
m.def("extract_image_chips", &py_extract_image_chips<int8_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_locations"));
m.def("extract_image_chips", &py_extract_image_chips<int16_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_locations"));
m.def("extract_image_chips", &py_extract_image_chips<int32_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_locations"));
m.def("extract_image_chips", &py_extract_image_chips<int64_t>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_locations"));
m.def("extract_image_chips", &py_extract_image_chips<float>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_locations"));
m.def("extract_image_chips", &py_extract_image_chips<double>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_locations"));
m.def("extract_image_chips", &py_extract_image_chips<rgb_pixel>, py::arg("img"), py::arg("chip_locations"),
"requires \n\
- for all valid i: \n\
- chip_locations[i].rect.is_empty() == false \n\
- chip_locations[i].rows*chip_locations[i].cols != 0 \n\
ensures \n\
- This function extracts \"chips\" from an image. That is, it takes a list of \n\
rectangular sub-windows (i.e. chips) within an image and extracts those \n\
sub-windows, storing each into its own image. It also scales and rotates the \n\
image chips according to the instructions inside each chip_details object. \n\
It uses bilinear interpolation. \n\
- The extracted image chips are returned in a python list of numpy arrays. The \n\
length of the returned array is len(chip_locations). \n\
- Let CHIPS be the returned array, then we have: \n\
- for all valid i: \n\
- #CHIPS[i] == The image chip extracted from the position \n\
chip_locations[i].rect in img. \n\
- #CHIPS[i].shape(0) == chip_locations[i].rows \n\
- #CHIPS[i].shape(1) == chip_locations[i].cols \n\
- The image will have been rotated counter-clockwise by \n\
chip_locations[i].angle radians, around the center of \n\
chip_locations[i].rect, before the chip was extracted. \n\
- Any pixels in an image chip that go outside img are set to 0 (i.e. black)."
- for all valid i:
- chip_locations[i].rect.is_empty() == false
- chip_locations[i].rows*chip_locations[i].cols != 0
- This function extracts "chips" from an image. That is, it takes a list of
rectangular sub-windows (i.e. chips) within an image and extracts those
sub-windows, storing each into its own image. It also scales and rotates the
image chips according to the instructions inside each chip_details object.
It uses bilinear interpolation.
- The extracted image chips are returned in a python list of numpy arrays. The
length of the returned array is len(chip_locations).
- Let CHIPS be the returned array, then we have:
- for all valid i:
- #CHIPS[i] == The image chip extracted from the position
chip_locations[i].rect in img.
- #CHIPS[i].shape(0) == chip_locations[i].rows
- #CHIPS[i].shape(1) == chip_locations[i].cols
- The image will have been rotated counter-clockwise by
chip_locations[i].angle radians, around the center of
chip_locations[i].rect, before the chip was extracted.
- Any pixels in an image chip that go outside img are set to 0 (i.e. black).
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
py::array py_tile_images (
const py::list& images
DLIB_CASSERT(len(images) > 0);
if (is_image<rgb_pixel>(images[0].cast<py::array>()))
std::vector<numpy_image<rgb_pixel>> tmp(len(images));
for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i)
assign_image(tmp[i], images[i].cast<py::array>());
return numpy_image<rgb_pixel>(tile_images(tmp));
std::vector<numpy_image<unsigned char>> tmp(len(images));
for (size_t i = 0; i < tmp.size(); ++i)
assign_image(tmp[i], images[i].cast<py::array>());
return numpy_image<unsigned char>(tile_images(tmp));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -616,6 +958,26 @@ void bind_image_classes2(py::module& m)
m.def("resize_image", &py_resize_image<double>, docs, py::arg("img"), py::arg("rows"), py::arg("cols"));
m.def("resize_image", &py_resize_image<rgb_pixel>, docs, py::arg("img"), py::arg("rows"), py::arg("cols"));
m.def("tile_images", py_tile_images, py::arg("images"),
"requires \n\
- images is a list of numpy arrays that can be interpreted as images. They \n\
must all be the same type of image as well. \n\
ensures \n\
- This function takes the given images and tiles them into a single large \n\
square image and returns this new big tiled image. Therefore, it is a \n\
useful method to visualize many small images at once."
- images is a list of numpy arrays that can be interpreted as images. They
must all be the same type of image as well.
- This function takes the given images and tiles them into a single large
square image and returns this new big tiled image. Therefore, it is a
useful method to visualize many small images at once.
docs = "Returns a histogram equalized version of img.";
m.def("equalize_histogram", &py_equalize_histogram<uint8_t>, py::arg("img"));
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