Commit 95887df0 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Gave imglab the ability to jump to a specific image via a keyboard command.

parent a3c98799
......@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#include <dlib/array2d.h>
#include <dlib/pixel.h>
#include <sstream>
#include <ctime>
using namespace std;
using namespace dlib;
......@@ -27,7 +28,9 @@ metadata_editor(
file metadata_file(filename_);
filename = metadata_file.full_name();
......@@ -290,6 +293,29 @@ on_keydown (
// If the user types a number then jump to that image.
if ('0' <= key && key <= '9' && metadata.images.size() != 0 && !overlay_label.has_input_focus())
time_t curtime = time(0);
// If it's been a while since the user typed numbers then forget the last jump
// position and start accumulating numbers over again.
if (curtime-last_keyboard_jump_pos_update >= 2)
keyboard_jump_pos = 0;
last_keyboard_jump_pos_update = curtime;
keyboard_jump_pos *= 10;
keyboard_jump_pos += key-'0';
if (keyboard_jump_pos >= metadata.images.size())
keyboard_jump_pos = metadata.images.size()-1;
image_pos = keyboard_jump_pos;
last_keyboard_jump_pos_update = 0;
......@@ -536,8 +562,9 @@ display_about(
"and drag allows you to navigate around the image. Holding ctrl and "
"left clicking a rectangle will give it the label from the Next Label field. "
"Holding shift + right click and then dragging allows you to move things around. "
"Finally, holding ctrl and pressing the up or down keyboard keys will propagate "
"rectangle labels from one image to the next and also skip empty images.",0,0) << endl;
"Holding ctrl and pressing the up or down keyboard keys will propagate "
"rectangle labels from one image to the next and also skip empty images. "
"Finally, typing a number on the keyboard will jump you to a specific image.",0,0) << endl;
message_box("About Image Labeler",sout.str());
......@@ -55,6 +55,9 @@ private:
dlib::image_display display;
dlib::label overlay_label_name;
dlib::text_field overlay_label;
unsigned long keyboard_jump_pos;
time_t last_keyboard_jump_pos_update;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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