Commit 985fb83e authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Made cmake copy the needed boost .dll files into the output directory when python

modules are built on windows.
parent 17813702
......@@ -65,9 +65,23 @@ macro(add_python_module module_name module_sources )
# Determine the path to our CMakeLists.txt file.
string(REPLACE "CMakeLists.txt" "" base_path ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE})
INSTALL(TARGETS ${module_name}_
LIBRARY DESTINATION ${base_path}/${path}
DESTINATION "${base_path}/${path}"
# On windows we will usually need to have the boost-python .dll files in the same folder or
# you will get an error about how they can't be found. So copy the boost .dll files along with
# your module to the install folder to avoid this.
if (WIN32)
list(GET Boost_LIBRARIES 1 boostlibs1)
list(GET Boost_LIBRARIES 3 boostlibs2)
string(REPLACE ".lib" ".dll" boostdlls1 ${boostlibs1})
string(REPLACE ".lib" ".dll" boostdlls2 ${boostlibs2})
INSTALL(FILES ${boostdlls1} ${boostdlls2}
DESTINATION "${base_path}/${path}"
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