Commit b2d7f83f authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

updated docs

parent baa6fa87
......@@ -1391,7 +1391,7 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
<spec_file link="true">dlib/svm/graph_labeler_abstract.h</spec_file>
<spec_file link="true">dlib/graph_cuts/graph_labeler_abstract.h</spec_file>
This object is a tool for labeling each node in a <a href="containers.html#graph">graph</a>
with a value of true or false, subject to a labeling consistency constraint between
......@@ -1651,7 +1651,7 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
<spec_file link="true">dlib/svm/structural_svm_graph_labeling_problem_abstract.h</spec_file>
This function takes a set of training data for a graph labeling problem
......@@ -2297,7 +2297,7 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
<spec_file link="true">dlib/svm/cross_validate_graph_labeling_trainer_abstract.h</spec_file>
Performs k-fold cross validation on a user supplied graph labeling trainer object such
......@@ -2343,7 +2343,7 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
<spec_file link="true">dlib/svm/cross_validate_graph_labeling_trainer_abstract.h</spec_file>
Tests a <a href="#graph_labeler">graph_labeler</a> on a set of data
......@@ -2534,7 +2534,7 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
<spec_file link="true">dlib/svm/structural_svm_graph_labeling_problem_abstract.h</spec_file>
This object is a tool for learning the weight vectors needed to use
......@@ -2596,7 +2596,7 @@ Davis E. King. <a href=""
<spec_file link="true">dlib/svm/structural_graph_labeling_trainer_abstract.h</spec_file>
This object is a tool for learning to solve a graph labeling problem based
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