Commit bcf8df16 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Renamed a test function so it doesn't show up in the ctags list.

parent 4bf6655e
......@@ -1190,7 +1190,7 @@ namespace
typename EXP2,
typename T
void spatially_filter_image_separable_down_simple (
void test_spatially_filter_image_separable_down_simple (
const unsigned long downsample,
const in_image_type& in_img,
out_image_type& out_img,
......@@ -1246,13 +1246,13 @@ namespace
col_filter -= 3;
spatially_filter_image_separable_down_simple(downsample, img, out1, row_filter, col_filter,1 );
test_spatially_filter_image_separable_down_simple(downsample, img, out1, row_filter, col_filter,1 );
spatially_filter_image_separable_down(downsample, img, out2, row_filter, col_filter);
DLIB_TEST(get_rect(out1) == get_rect(out2));
DLIB_TEST(array_to_matrix(out1) == array_to_matrix(out2));
spatially_filter_image_separable_down_simple(downsample, img, out1, row_filter, col_filter,3, true, true );
test_spatially_filter_image_separable_down_simple(downsample, img, out1, row_filter, col_filter,3, true, true );
spatially_filter_image_separable_down(downsample, img, out2, row_filter, col_filter, 3, true, true);
DLIB_TEST(get_rect(out1) == get_rect(out2));
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