Commit cbd37d56 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Cleaned up the contracts a little.

parent 7a31806b
......@@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ namespace dlib
- #get_iterations_without_progress_threshold() == 2000
- #get_learning_rate_shrink_factor() == 0.1
- #get_learning_rate_schedule().size() == 0
- #get_train_one_step_calls() == 0
- if (cuda_extra_devices.size() > 0) then
- This object will use multiple graphics cards to run the learning
algorithms. In particular, it will always use whatever device is
......@@ -298,12 +299,8 @@ namespace dlib
unsigned long long get_train_one_step_calls (
) const;
- training process should be done with #train_one_step()
- Each #train_one_step() call increases this counter. It can be used to understand the training
stage to make some additional processing like snapshotting or extra testing
- This value is serialized/deserialized via synchronization file
- returns the number of times train_one_step() has been called.
void be_verbose (
......@@ -414,6 +411,7 @@ namespace dlib
calling this function you should call get_net() before you touch the net
object from the calling thread to ensure no other threads are still
accessing the network.
- #get_train_one_step_calls() == get_train_one_step_calls() + 1.
void train_one_step (
......@@ -437,6 +435,7 @@ namespace dlib
calling this function you should call get_net() before you touch the net
object from the calling thread to ensure no other threads are still
accessing the network.
- #get_train_one_step_calls() == get_train_one_step_calls() + 1.
double get_average_loss (
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