Commit d598fcf2 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added is_ordered_by_index(), find_neighbor_ranges(), and convert_unordered_to_ordered()

parent 43b5e2d4
......@@ -509,6 +509,81 @@ namespace dlib
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename vector_type
bool is_ordered_by_index (
const vector_type& edges
for (unsigned long i = 1; i < edges.size(); ++i)
if (order_by_index(edges[i], edges[i-1]))
return false;
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename alloc1,
typename alloc2
void find_neighbor_ranges (
const std::vector<ordered_sample_pair,alloc1>& edges,
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long>,alloc2>& neighbors
// make sure requires clause is not broken
"\t void find_neighbor_ranges()"
<< "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function"
// setup neighbors so that [neighbors[i].first, neighbors[i].second) is the range
// within edges that contains all node i's edges.
const unsigned long num_nodes = max_index_plus_one(edges);
neighbors.assign(num_nodes, std::make_pair(0,0));
unsigned long cur_node = 0;
unsigned long start_idx = 0;
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
if (edges[i].index1() != cur_node)
neighbors[cur_node] = std::make_pair(start_idx, i);
start_idx = i;
cur_node = edges[i].index1();
if (neighbors.size() != 0)
neighbors[cur_node] = make_pair(start_idx, edges.size());
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename alloc1,
typename alloc2
void convert_unordered_to_ordered (
const std::vector<sample_pair,alloc1>& edges,
std::vector<ordered_sample_pair,alloc2>& out_edges
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < edges.size(); ++i)
out_edges.push_back(ordered_sample_pair(edges[i].index1(), edges[i].index2(), edges[i].distance()));
if (edges[i].index1() != edges[i].index2())
out_edges.push_back(ordered_sample_pair(edges[i].index2(), edges[i].index1(), edges[i].distance()));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
......@@ -267,6 +267,87 @@ namespace dlib
- #pairs will be sorted according to order_by_index().
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename vector_type
bool is_ordered_by_index (
const vector_type& edges
- vector_type == a type with an interface compatible with std::vector and it
must in turn contain objects with an interface compatible with
dlib::sample_pair or dlib::ordered_sample_pair.
- returns true if and only if the contents of edges are in sorted order
according to order_by_index(). That is, we return true if calling
std::stable_sort(edges.begin(), edges.end(), &order_by_index<T>) would not
change the ordering of elements of edges.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename alloc1,
typename alloc2
void find_neighbor_ranges (
const std::vector<ordered_sample_pair,alloc1>& edges,
std::vector<std::pair<unsigned long, unsigned long>,alloc2>& neighbors
- is_ordered_by_index(edges) == true
(i.e. edges is sorted so that all the edges for a particular node are grouped
- This function takes a graph, represented by its list of edges, and finds the
ranges that contain the edges for each node in the graph. In particular,
#neighbors[i] will tell you which edges correspond to the ith node in the
- #neighbors.size() == max_index_plus_one(edges)
(i.e. neighbors will have an entry for each node in the graph defined by the
list of edges)
- for all valid i:
- all elements of edges such that their index1() value == i are in the
range [neighbors[i].first, neighbors[i].second). That is, for all k such
that neighbors[i].first <= k < neighbors[i].second:
- edges[k].index1() == i.
- all edges outside this range have an index1() value != i
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
template <
typename alloc1,
typename alloc2
void convert_unordered_to_ordered (
const std::vector<sample_pair,alloc1>& edges,
std::vector<ordered_sample_pair,alloc2>& out_edges
- interprets edges a defining an undirected graph.
- This function populates out_edges with a directed graph that represents the
same graph as the one in edges. In particular, this means that for all valid
i we have the following:
- if (edges[i].index1() != edges[i].index2()) then
- #out_edges contains two edges corresponding to edges[i]. They
represent the two directions of this edge. The distance value from
edges[i] is also copied into the output edges.
- else
- #out_edges contains one edge corresponding to edges[i] since this is
a self edge. The distance value from edges[i] is also copied into
the output edge.
- max_index_plus_one(edges) == max_index_plus_one(#out_edges)
(i.e. both graphs have the same number of nodes)
- In all but the most trivial cases, we will have is_ordered_by_index(#out_edges) == false
- contains_duplicate_pairs(#out_edges) == contains_duplicate_pairs(edges)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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