Commit e7e5d238 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Fixed and clarified spec

parent 66a5a9c4
......@@ -46,11 +46,11 @@ namespace dlib
The upper_bound_function class is a tool for creating this kind of upper
bounding function from a set of function_evaluations of F(x). We do this
by considering only U(x) of the form:
U(x) = {
U = [](matrix<double,0,1> x) {
double min_ub = infinity;
for (size_t i = 0; i < POINTS.size(); ++i) {
function_evaluation p = POINTS[i]
double local_bound = p.y + sqrt(noise_terms[i] + sqrt(trans(p.x-x)*M*(p.x-x)))
double local_bound = p.y + sqrt(noise_terms[i] + trans(p.x-x)*M*(p.x-x))
min_ub = min(min_ub, local_bound)
......@@ -64,7 +64,8 @@ namespace dlib
min_{M,noise_terms}: sum(squared(M)) + sum(squared(noise_terms/relative_noise_magnitude))
s.t. U(POINTS[i].x) >= POINTS[i].y, for all i
noise_terms[i] >= 0
diag(M) >= 0
min(M) >= 0
M is a diagonal matrix
Therefore, the quadratic program finds the U(x) that always upper bounds
F(x) on the supplied POINTS, but is otherwise as small as possible.
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