Commit f2ec4594 authored by Davis King's avatar Davis King

Added the first version of a command line tool for using the machine learning

algorithms in dlib.  This first version was created by Gregory Sharp.

extra : convert_revision : svn%3Afdd8eb12-d10e-0410-9acb-85c331704f74/trunk%404106
parent 187af2a7
# This is a CMake makefile. You can find the cmake utility and
# information about it at
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
# create a variable called target_name and set it to the string "mltool"
set (target_name mltool)
# add all the cpp files we want to compile to this list. This tells
# cmake that they are part of our target (which is the exectuable named mltool)
# add the folder containing the dlib folder to the include path
# There is a CMakeLists.txt file in the dlib source folder that tells cmake
# how to build the dlib library. Tell cmake about that file.
add_subdirectory(../../dlib dlib_build)
# Tell cmake to link our target executable to the non-gui version of the dlib
# library.
TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(${target_name} dlib )
INSTALL(TARGETS ${target_name}
#set default build type to Release
"Choose the type of build, options are: Debug Release
RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel." FORCE)
// The contents of this file are in the public domain.
This is a command line program that can try different regression
algorithms on a libsvm-formatted data set.
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include "dlib/cmd_line_parser.h"
#include "dlib/data_io.h"
#include "dlib/mlp.h"
#include "dlib/svm.h"
using namespace dlib;
typedef dlib::cmd_line_parser<char>::check_1a_c clp;
typedef std::map<unsigned long, double> sparse_sample_type;
typedef dlib::matrix< sparse_sample_type::value_type::second_type,0,1
> dense_sample_type;
/* exp10() is not in C/C++ standard */
exp10_ (double m)
return exp (2.3025850929940456840179914546844 * m);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
option_range class
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
struct option_range {
bool log_range;
float min_value;
float max_value;
float incr;
option_range () {
log_range = false;
min_value = 0;
max_value = 100;
incr = 10;
void set_option (clp& parser, std::string const& option,
float default_val);
float get_min_value ();
float get_max_value ();
float get_next_value (float curr_val);
option_range::set_option (
clp& parser,
std::string const& option,
float default_val
int rc;
/* No option specified */
if (!parser.option (option)) {
log_range = 0;
min_value = default_val;
max_value = default_val;
incr = 1;
/* Range specified */
rc = sscanf (parser.option(option).argument().c_str(), "%f:%f:%f",
&min_value, &incr, &max_value);
if (rc == 3) {
log_range = 1;
/* Single value specified */
if (rc == 1) {
log_range = 0;
max_value = min_value;
incr = 1;
else {
std::cerr << "Error parsing option" << option << "\n";
exit (-1);
option_range::get_min_value ()
if (log_range) {
return exp10_ (min_value);
} else {
return min_value;
option_range::get_max_value ()
if (log_range) {
return exp10_ (max_value);
} else {
return max_value;
option_range::get_next_value (float curr_value)
if (log_range) {
curr_value = log10 (curr_value);
curr_value += incr;
curr_value = exp10_ (curr_value);
} else {
curr_value += incr;
return curr_value;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
global functions
--------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static void
parse_args (clp& parser, int argc, char* argv[])
try {
// Algorithm-independent options
parser.add_option ("a",
"Choose the learning algorithm: {krls,krr,mlp,svr}.",1);
parser.add_option ("h","Display this help message.");
parser.add_option ("help","Display this help message.");
parser.add_option ("k",
"Learning kernel (for krls,krr,svr methods): {lin,rbk}.",1);
parser.add_option ("in","A libsvm-formatted file to test.",1);
parser.add_option ("normalize",
"Normalize the sample inputs to zero-mean unit variance?");
parser.add_option ("train-best",
"Train and save a network using best parameters", 1);
// Algorithm-specific options
parser.add_option ("rbk-gamma",
"Width of radial basis kernels: {float}.",1);
parser.add_option ("krls-tolerance",
"Numerical tolerance of krls linear dependency test: {float}.",1);
parser.add_option ("mlp-hidden-units",
"Number of hidden units in mlp: {integer}.",1);
parser.add_option ("mlp-num-iterations",
"Number of epochs to train the mlp: {integer}.",1);
parser.add_option ("svr-c",
"SVR regularization parameter \"C\": "
parser.add_option ("svr-epsilon-insensitivity",
"SVR fitting tolerance parameter: "
parser.add_option ("verbose", "Use verbose trainers");
// Parse the command line arguments
// Check that options aren't given multiple times
const char* one_time_opts[] = {"a", "h", "help", "in"};
// Check if the -h option was given
if (parser.option("h") || parser.option("help")) {
std::cout << "Usage: dlib_test [-a algorithm] --in input_file\n";
std::cout << std::endl;
exit (0);
// Check that an input file was given
if (!parser.option("in")) {
<< "Error in command line:\n"
<< "You must specify an input file with the --in option.\n"
<< "\nTry the -h option for more information\n";
exit (0);
catch (std::exception& e) {
// Catch cmd_line_parse_error exceptions and print usage message.
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
exit (1);
catch (...) {
std::cout << "Some error occurred" << std::endl;
static const char*
get_kernel (
clp& parser
const char* kernel = "rbk";
if (parser.option ("k")) {
kernel = parser.option("k").argument().c_str();
return kernel;
static void
get_rbk_gamma (
clp& parser,
std::vector<dense_sample_type>& dense_samples,
option_range& range
) {
float default_gamma = 3.0 / compute_mean_squared_distance (
randomly_subsample (dense_samples, 2000));
range.set_option (parser, "rbk-gamma", default_gamma);
static void
get_krls_tolerance (
clp& parser,
std::vector<dense_sample_type>& dense_samples,
option_range& range
float default_krls_tolerance = 0.001;
range.set_option (parser, "krls-tolerance", default_krls_tolerance);
static double
get_mlp_hidden_units (
clp& parser,
std::vector<dense_sample_type>& dense_samples
int num_hidden = 5;
if (parser.option ("mlp-hidden-units")) {
num_hidden = sa = parser.option("mlp-hidden-units").argument();
return num_hidden;
static double
get_mlp_num_iterations (
clp& parser,
std::vector<dense_sample_type>& dense_samples
int num_iterations = 5000;
if (parser.option ("mlp-num-iterations")) {
num_iterations = sa = parser.option("mlp-num-iterations").argument();
return num_iterations;
static void
get_svr_c (
clp& parser,
std::vector<dense_sample_type>& dense_samples,
option_range& range
float default_svr_c = 1000.;
range.set_option (parser, "svr-c", default_svr_c);
static double
get_svr_epsilon_insensitivity (
clp& parser,
std::vector<dense_sample_type>& dense_samples
// Epsilon-insensitive regression means we do regression but stop
// trying to fit a data point once it is "close enough" to its
// target value. This parameter is the value that controls what
// we mean by "close enough". In this case, I'm saying I'm happy
// if the resulting regression function gets within 0.001 of the
// target value.
double epsilon_insensitivity = 0.001;
if (parser.option ("svr-epsilon-insensitivity")) {
= sa = parser.option("svr-epsilon-insensitivity").argument();
return epsilon_insensitivity;
static void
krls_test (
clp& parser,
std::vector<dense_sample_type>& dense_samples,
std::vector<double>& labels
typedef radial_basis_kernel<dense_sample_type> kernel_type;
option_range gamma_range, krls_tol_range;
get_rbk_gamma (parser, dense_samples, gamma_range);
get_krls_tolerance (parser, dense_samples, krls_tol_range);
// Split into training set and testing set
float training_pct = 0.8;
unsigned int training_samples = (unsigned int) floor (
training_pct * dense_samples.size());
for (float krls_tol = krls_tol_range.get_min_value();
krls_tol <= krls_tol_range.get_max_value();
krls_tol = krls_tol_range.get_next_value (krls_tol))
for (float gamma = gamma_range.get_min_value();
gamma <= gamma_range.get_max_value();
gamma = gamma_range.get_next_value (gamma))
krls<kernel_type> net (kernel_type(gamma), krls_tol);
// Krls doesn't seem to come with any batch training function
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < training_samples; j++) {
net.train (dense_samples[j], labels[j]);
// Test the performance (sorry, no cross-validation)
double total_err = 0.0;
for (unsigned int j = training_samples + 1;
j < dense_samples.size(); j++)
double diff = net(dense_samples[j]) - labels[j];
total_err += diff * diff;
double testset_error = total_err
/ (dense_samples.size() - training_samples);
printf ("%3.6f %3.6f %3.9f\n", krls_tol, gamma, testset_error);
static void
krr_rbk_test (
clp& parser,
std::vector<dense_sample_type>& dense_samples,
std::vector<double>& labels
typedef radial_basis_kernel<dense_sample_type> kernel_type;
krr_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
option_range gamma_range;
double best_gamma = DBL_MAX;
float best_loo = FLT_MAX;
get_rbk_gamma (parser, dense_samples, gamma_range);
for (float gamma = gamma_range.get_min_value();
gamma <= gamma_range.get_max_value();
gamma = gamma_range.get_next_value (gamma))
// LOO cross validation
double loo_error;
if (parser.option("verbose")) {
trainer.set_search_lambdas(logspace(-9, 4, 100));
trainer.set_kernel (kernel_type (gamma));
trainer.train (dense_samples, labels, loo_error);
if (loo_error < best_loo) {
best_loo = loo_error;
best_gamma = gamma;
printf ("10^%f %9.6f\n", log10(gamma), loo_error);
printf ("Best result: gamma=10^%f (%g), loo_error=%9.6f\n",
log10(best_gamma), best_gamma, best_loo);
if (parser.option("train-best")) {
printf ("Training network with best parameters\n");
trainer.set_kernel (kernel_type (best_gamma));
decision_function<kernel_type> best_network =
trainer.train (dense_samples, labels);
std::ofstream fout (parser.option("train-best").argument().c_str(),
serialize (best_network, fout);
static void
krr_lin_test (
clp& parser,
std::vector<dense_sample_type>& dense_samples,
std::vector<double>& labels
typedef linear_kernel<dense_sample_type> kernel_type;
krr_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
// LOO cross validation
double loo_error;
trainer.train(dense_samples, labels, loo_error);
std::cout << "mean squared LOO error: " << loo_error << std::endl;
static void
krr_test (
clp& parser,
std::vector<dense_sample_type>& dense_samples,
std::vector<double>& labels
const char* kernel = get_kernel (parser);
if (!strcmp (kernel, "lin")) {
krr_lin_test (parser, dense_samples, labels);
} else if (!strcmp (kernel, "rbk")) {
krr_rbk_test (parser, dense_samples, labels);
} else {
fprintf (stderr, "Unknown kernel type: %s\n", kernel);
exit (-1);
static void
mlp_test (
clp& parser,
std::vector<dense_sample_type>& dense_samples,
std::vector<double>& labels
// Create a multi-layer perceptron network.
const int num_input = dense_samples[0].size();
int num_hidden = get_mlp_hidden_units (parser, dense_samples);
printf ("Creating ANN with size (%d, %d)\n", num_input, num_hidden);
mlp::kernel_1a_c net (num_input, num_hidden);
// Dlib barfs if output values are not normalized to [0,1]
double label_min = *(std::min_element (labels.begin(), labels.end()));
double label_max = *(std::max_element (labels.begin(), labels.end()));
std::vector<double>::iterator it;
for (it = labels.begin(); it != labels.end(); it++) {
(*it) = ((*it) - label_min) / (label_max - label_min);
// Split into training set and testing set
float training_pct = 0.8;
unsigned int training_samples = (unsigned int) floor (
training_pct * dense_samples.size());
// Dlib doesn't seem to come with any batch training functions for mlp.
// Also, note that only backprop is supported.
int num_iterations = get_mlp_num_iterations (parser, dense_samples);
for (int i = 0; i < num_iterations; i++) {
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < training_samples; j++) {
net.train (dense_samples[j], labels[j]);
// Test the performance (sorry, no cross-validation) */
double total_err = 0.0;
for (unsigned int j = training_samples + 1; j < dense_samples.size(); j++)
double diff = net(dense_samples[j]) - labels[j];
diff = diff * (label_max - label_min);
total_err += diff * diff;
<< "MSE (no cross-validation): "
<< total_err / (dense_samples.size() - training_samples) << std::endl;
static void
svr_test (
clp& parser,
std::vector<dense_sample_type>& dense_samples,
std::vector<double>& labels
typedef radial_basis_kernel<dense_sample_type> kernel_type;
svr_trainer<kernel_type> trainer;
option_range gamma_range, svr_c_range;
get_rbk_gamma (parser, dense_samples, gamma_range);
get_svr_c (parser, dense_samples, svr_c_range);
double epsilon_insensitivity = get_svr_epsilon_insensitivity (
parser, dense_samples);
trainer.set_epsilon_insensitivity (epsilon_insensitivity);
for (float svr_c = svr_c_range.get_min_value();
svr_c <= svr_c_range.get_max_value();
svr_c = svr_c_range.get_next_value (svr_c))
trainer.set_c (svr_c);
for (float gamma = gamma_range.get_min_value();
gamma <= gamma_range.get_max_value();
gamma = gamma_range.get_next_value (gamma))
double cv_error;
trainer.set_kernel (kernel_type (gamma));
cv_error = cross_validate_regression_trainer (trainer,
dense_samples, labels, 10);
printf ("%3.6f %3.6f %3.9f\n", svr_c, gamma, cv_error);
main (int argc, char* argv[])
clp parser;
parse_args(parser, argc, argv);
const clp::option_type& option_alg = parser.option("a");
const clp::option_type& option_in = parser.option("in");
std::vector<sparse_sample_type> sparse_samples;
std::vector<double> labels;
load_libsvm_formatted_data (
if (sparse_samples.size() < 1) {
<< "Sorry, I couldn't find any samples in your data set.\n"
<< "Aborting the operation.\n";
exit (0);
std::vector<dense_sample_type> dense_samples;
dense_samples = sparse_to_dense (sparse_samples);
/* GCS FIX: The sparse_to_dense converter adds an extra column,
because libsvm files are indexed starting with "1". */
<< "Loaded " << sparse_samples.size() << " samples"
<< std::endl
<< "Each sample has size " << sparse_samples[0].size()
<< std::endl
<< "Each dense sample has size " << dense_samples[0].size()
<< std::endl;
// Normalize inputs to N(0,1)
if (parser.option ("normalize")) {
vector_normalizer<dense_sample_type> normalizer;
normalizer.train (dense_samples);
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < dense_samples.size(); ++i) {
dense_samples[i] = normalizer (dense_samples[i]);
// Randomize the order of the samples, labels
randomize_samples (dense_samples, labels);
if (!option_alg) {
// Do KRR if user didn't specify an algorithm
std::cout << "No algorithm specified, default to KRR\n";
krr_test (parser, dense_samples, labels);
else if (option_alg.argument() == "krls") {
krls_test (parser, dense_samples, labels);
else if (option_alg.argument() == "krr") {
krr_test (parser, dense_samples, labels);
else if (option_alg.argument() == "mlp") {
mlp_test (parser, dense_samples, labels);
else if (option_alg.argument() == "svr") {
svr_test (parser, dense_samples, labels);
else {
fprintf (stderr,
"Error, algorithm \"%s\" is unknown.\n"
"Please use -h to see the command line options\n",
exit (-1);
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