Commit c26307b1 authored by 王浩's avatar 王浩

Merge branch 'haow/dev' into 'dev'


See merge request alpha/saturn!79
parents c2913230 d2a257c9
......@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@ from django.conf.urls import url
from .views import user
from .views import topic
from .views import tag
from .views import reply
from .views import product
urlpatterns = [
# grasp
......@@ -22,4 +25,11 @@ urlpatterns = [
url(r'^v1/validate_3party_account$', user.Validate3PartyAccount.as_view(), name='validate_3party_account$'),
url(r'^v1/user/batch_create_shadow_user$', user.BatchCreateShadowUser.as_view(), name='batch_create_shadow_user$'),
url(r'^v1/user/batch_update_user_level_fans$', user.BatchUpdateUserLevelFansNum.as_view(), name='batch_update_user_level_fans$'),
# reply
url(r'^v1/reply/create_for_inner$', reply.CreateReplyForInner.as_view(), name='create_reply_for_inner'),
# product
url(r'^v1/product/batch_create$', product.ProductBatchCreate.as_view(), name='product_batch_create'),
url(r'^v1/brand/batch_create$', product.BrandBatchCreate.as_view(), name='brand_batch_create'),
import json
from api.views.base_view import BaseView
from libs.user import get_user_by_ids
from alpha_types.neptune import ERROR
from alpha_types.neptune import PRODUCT_FLATFORM
from engine.logger import info_logger, error_logger
class ProductBatchCreate(BaseView):
'''批量创建商品 爬虫入口'''
def post(self, request):
product_info = json.loads(request.POST.get('data', '[]'))
if not product_info:
return self.error(self.get_ErrorInfo(ERROR.PARAMS_INCOMPLETE))
result = []
for info in product_info:
error, ret = self.process(info)
if error:
return self.error(error)
return self.ok(data=result)
def process(self, info):
if not info:
return None, None
brand_info = info.pop('brand', {})
composition_infos = info.pop('composition', [])
category_info = info.pop('category', {})
effect_info = info.pop('effect', {})
product_id = None
if info:
error, result = self.create_product(info)
if error:
return error, None
product_id = result.get('id')
if not product_id:
return error, None # 创建商品失败 未获取到商品ID
if brand_info:
self.add_parallel_rpc_call_info('create_brand', 'neptune/commodity/brand/create',
cn_name=brand_info.get('cnName'), icon=brand_info.get('imgSrc'),
description=brand_info.get('description'), en_name=brand_info.get('en_name'),
origin_brand_id=brand_info.get('id'), platform=PRODUCT_FLATFORM.BEVOL, product_id=product_id)
if composition_infos:
self.add_parallel_rpc_call_info('batch_create_composition', 'neptune/commodity/composition/batch_create',
infos=composition_infos, platform=PRODUCT_FLATFORM.BEVOL, product_id=product_id)
if category_info:
self.add_parallel_rpc_call_info('create_category', 'neptune/commodity/category/create',
cn_name=category_info.get('name'), platform=PRODUCT_FLATFORM.BEVOL,
origin_category_id=category_info.get('id'), product_id=product_id)
if effect_info:
self.add_parallel_rpc_call_info('create_effect', 'neptune/commodity/effect/create',
cn_name=effect_info.get('name'), origin_effect_id=effect_info.get('id'),
platform=PRODUCT_FLATFORM.BEVOL, product_id=product_id)
if brand_info:
error, _ = self.parallel_rpc_call_result['create_brand']
if error:
return error, None
if composition_infos:
error, _ = self.parallel_rpc_call_result['batch_create_composition']
if error:
return error, None
if category_info:
error, _ = self.parallel_rpc_call_result['create_category']
if error:
return error, None
if effect_info:
error, _ = self.parallel_rpc_call_result['create_effect']
if error:
return error, None
return None, result
def create_product(self, product_info):
error, ret = self.call_rpc('neptune/commodity/product/create',
cn_name=product_info.get('cn_name'), en_name=product_info.get('en_name'),
image=product_info.get('image', ''), norms=product_info.get('norms'),
grade=product_info.get('grade'), price=product_info.get('price'),
origin_product_id=product_info.get('id'), platform=PRODUCT_FLATFORM.BEVOL)
return error, ret
class BrandBatchCreate(BaseView):
def post(self, request):
brand_infos = json.loads(request.POST.get('data', '[]'))
if not brand_infos:
return self.error(self.get_ErrorInfo(ERROR.PARAMS_INCOMPLETE))
infos = [{
'id': item.get('origin_brand_id'),
'cn_name': item.get('cn_name'),
'en_name': item.get('en_name'),
'icon': item.get('icon'),
'description': item.get('description')
} for item in brand_infos]
error, _ = self.call_rpc('neptune/commodity/brand/batch_create',
infos=infos, platform=PRODUCT_FLATFORM.BEVOL)
if error:
return self.error(error)
return self.ok()
import json
from api.views.base_view import BaseView
class CreateReplyForInner(BaseView):
def post(self, request):
user_id = request.POST.get('user_id')
topic_id = request.POST.get('topic_id')
content = request.POST.get('content', '')
replied_id = request.POST.get('replied_id')
error, data = self.call_rpc('venus/community/reply/for_inner_create', user_id=user_id, topic_id=topic_id, content=content, replied_id=replied_id)
if error:
return self.error(error)
return self.ok(data=data)
......@@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ class CreateTagForBatch(BaseView):
tags = []
if need_check:
# 敏感词检测,获取可用的帖子
check_info = Sensitive.check([item["name"] for item in tag_list if item.get("name")])
check_info = Sensitive.check([item for item in tag_list if item])
for tag in tag_list:
succ = check_info.get(tag.get("name")) if tag.get("name") else True
succ = check_info.get(tag) if tag else True
if not succ:
tags.append({"name": tag})
tags = tag_list
error, data = self.call_rpc('venus/community/tag/batch_create_not_classify', data=tags)
......@@ -7,9 +7,10 @@ from api.cache.cache import ins_cache
from libs.user import get_user_by_ids
from alpha_types.venus import ERROR as CODES
from alpha_types.venus import GRAP_PLATFORM
from engine.logger import info_logger, error_logger
ins_account_cache = "ins_account_cache"
topic_id_cache = "ins_account_cache"
class CreateTopicForBatch(BaseView):
......@@ -17,6 +18,101 @@ class CreateTopicForBatch(BaseView):
def batch_create_tags(self, tags, is_location=0, is_own=0):{
'api': 'venus/community/tag/batch_create_tag_by_name',
'tags': tags,
'is_own': 1,
_tag_error, _tag_data = self.call_rpc(
tags=tags, is_own=is_own, is_location=is_location,
if _tag_error:
error_logger.error({'api': 'venus/community/tag/batch_create_tag_by_name',
'error': _tag_error})
_tag_data = {}
except Exception as e:
error_logger.error({'api': 'venus/community/tag/batch_create_tag_by_name',
'information': e})
_tag_data = {}{
'api': 'venus/community/tag/batch_create_tag_by_name',
'_tag_data': _tag_data,
return _tag_error, _tag_data
def replace_tag_info(self, topic_list, tag_data):
# 处理标签,将文本中的标签处理成现有标签
for item in topic_list:
tags = item.get("tags") or []
tags = [tag.replace("#", '').strip() for tag in tags]
if item.get("location") and item.get("location").get("name"):
content = item.get("content")
if not tag_data:
for tag_name, tag_id in tag_data.items():
if tag_name in tags:
alpha_tag = '<topic>{' + '"id":{},"name":"{}"'.format(tag_id, tag_name) + '}</topic>'
content = content.replace('#' + tag_name, alpha_tag)
item["content"] = content.replace('#', '')
item["tag_ids"] = [
for tag_name in tags if tag_data.get(tag_name)
return topic_list
def check_exist_ids(self, topics, platform):
# 帖子去重 redis层面
not_exists_ids = []
topic_list = []
if platform == GRAP_PLATFORM.INS:
cache_key = topic_id_cache
elif platform == GRAP_PLATFORM.PIN:
cache_key = topic_id_cache + ":2"
elif platform == GRAP_PLATFORM.FASHION:
cache_key = topic_id_cache + ":3"
for item in topics:
_id = item.get("id")
if not _id:
exists = ins_cache.sismember(cache_key, _id)
if exists:
item["platform"] = platform
item["platform_id"] = _id
return not_exists_ids, topic_list, cache_key
def check_sensitive_content(self, topic_list):
# 敏感词检测,获取可用的帖子
topics = []
check_info = Sensitive.check([topic["content"] for topic in topic_list if topic.get("content")])
for topic in topic_list:
if topic.get('content'):
succ = check_info.get(topic.get("content"))
if not succ:
if topic.get('images') or topic.get('video'):
return topics
def post(self, request):
user_id = request.POST.get("user_id", 0)
......@@ -25,6 +121,17 @@ class CreateTopicForBatch(BaseView):
is_online = request.POST.get("is_online", 0)
platform = int(request.POST.get("platform"))
topic_list = json.loads(request.POST.get("topic_list", '[]'))
pictorial_tag_ids = json.loads(request.POST.get("tag_ids", '[]')){
'user_id': user_id,
'card_level': card_level,
'tag_id': tag_id,
'is_online': is_online,
'platform': platform,
'topic_list': topic_list,
'pictorial_tag_ids': pictorial_tag_ids,
if not user_id:
return self.parameter_invalid_response()
......@@ -36,18 +143,12 @@ class CreateTopicForBatch(BaseView):
if not topic_list:
return self.ok()
topics = []
# 敏感词检测,获取可用的帖子
# check_info = Sensitive.check([topic["content"] for topic in topic_list if topic.get("content")])
# for topic in topic_list:
# if topic.get('content'):
# succ = check_info.get(topic.get("content"))
# if not succ:
# topics.append(topic)
# else:
# if topic.get('images') or topic.get('video'):
# topics.append(topic)
for topic in topic_list:
# checked_topics = self.check_sensitive_content(topic_list)
checked_topics = topic_list
topics = []
for topic in checked_topics:
if topic.get('content'):
......@@ -57,6 +158,7 @@ class CreateTopicForBatch(BaseView):
if not topics:
return self.ok()
location_tags = []
tag_names = []
for item in topics:
tags = item.get("tags") or []
......@@ -65,53 +167,37 @@ class CreateTopicForBatch(BaseView):
item["card_level"] = card_level
item["tag_id"] = tag_id if tag_id else None
item["is_online"] = is_online
item["pictorial_tag_ids"] = pictorial_tag_ids
if item.get("location") and item.get("location").get("name"):
_tag_error, _location_tag_data = self.batch_create_tags(tags=[item.get("location").get("name")], is_location=1, is_own=1)
if _location_tag_data:
not_exists_ids = []
topic_list = []
if platform == GRAP_PLATFORM.INS:
for item in topics:
_id = item.get("id")
if not _id:
exists = ins_cache.sismember(ins_account_cache, _id)
if exists:
item["platform"] = platform
item["platform_id"] = _id
not_exists_ids, topic_list, cache_key = self.check_exist_ids(topics=topics, platform=platform)
# check_info = Sensitive.check(tag_names)
# tags = [tag_name for tag_name, succ in check_info.items() if not succ]
tags = tag_names
# 先创建标签
_tag_error, _tag_data = self.call_rpc(
tag_names=tags, is_own=1
if _tag_error:
return self.error(_tag_error)
_tag_error, _tag_data = self.batch_create_tags(tags=tags, is_own=1)
if not _tag_data:
_tag_data = {}
# 地域标签
if location_tags:{'location_tags': location_tags})
for item in location_tags:
# 更新发帖
# 处理标签,将文本中的标签处理成现有标签
for item in topic_list:
tags = item.get("tags") or []
tags = [tag.replace("#", '').strip() for tag in tags]
content = item["content"]
for tag_name, tag_id in _tag_data.items():
if tag_name in tags:
alpha_tag = '<topic>{' + '"id":{},"name":"{}"'.format(tag_id, tag_name) + '}</topic>'
content = content.replace('#' + tag_name, alpha_tag)
item["content"] = content.replace('#', '')
item["tag_ids"] = [
for tag_name in tags if _tag_data.get(tag_name)
topic_list = self.replace_tag_info(topic_list=topic_list, tag_data=_tag_data){
'api': 'venus/community/topic/batch_create_for_inner',
'topic_list': topic_list,
create_err, result = self.call_rpc(
......@@ -121,7 +207,7 @@ class CreateTopicForBatch(BaseView):
# 将已经跑了的数据添加到缓存
if not_exists_ids:
ins_cache.sadd(ins_account_cache, *not_exists_ids)
ins_cache.sadd(cache_key, *not_exists_ids)
return self.ok(data=result)
......@@ -174,12 +260,11 @@ class CreateTopicForBatchByOne(BaseView):
# check_info = Sensitive.check(tag_names)
# tags = [tag_name for tag_name, succ in check_info.items() if not succ]
# check_info = Sensitive.check(tag_names)
tags = tag_names
# 先创建标签
_tag_error, _tag_data = self.call_rpc(
if _tag_error:
return self.error(_tag_error)
......@@ -189,7 +274,7 @@ class CreateTopicForBatchByOne(BaseView):
for item in need_create_topics:
tags = item.get("tags") or []
tags = [tag.replace("#", '').strip() for tag in tags]
content = item["content"]
content = item.get("content")
for tag_name, tag_id in _tag_data.items():
if tag_name in tags:
alpha_tag = '<topic>{' + '"id":{},"name":"{}"'.format(tag_id, tag_name) + '}</topic>'
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