temp_analysis.scala 3.23 KB
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package com.gmei

import java.io.Serializable

import com.gmei.WeafareStat.{defaultParams, parser}
import org.apache.spark.sql.{SaveMode, TiContext}
import org.apache.log4j.{Level, Logger}
import scopt.OptionParser
import com.gmei.lib.AbstractParams

object temp_analysis {


  case class Params(env: String = "dev",
                    date: String = "2018-08-01"
                   ) extends AbstractParams[Params] with Serializable

  val defaultParams = Params()

  val parser = new OptionParser[Params]("Feed_EDA") {
      .text(s"the databases environment you used")
      .action((x, c) => c.copy(env = x))
    opt[String] ("date")
      .text(s"the date you used")
      .action((x,c) => c.copy(date = x))
        |For example, the following command runs this app on a tidb dataset:
        | spark-submit --class com.gmei.WeafareStat ./target/scala-2.11/feededa-assembly-0.1.jar \
      """.stripMargin +
        s"|   --env ${defaultParams.env}"

  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
    parser.parse(args, defaultParams).map { param =>
      val spark_env = GmeiConfig.getSparkSession()
      val sc = spark_env._2

      val ti = new TiContext(sc)
      ti.tidbMapTable(dbName = "jerry_prod", tableName = "diary_video")
      ti.tidbMapTable(dbName = "jerry_prod", tableName = "data_feed_click")
      ti.tidbMapTable(dbName = "jerry_prod", tableName = "blacklist")
      ti.tidbMapTable(dbName = "jerry_test", tableName = "bl_device_list")
      ti.tidbMapTable(dbName = "jerry_prod", tableName = "data_feed_exposure")
      ti.tidbMapTable(dbName = "jerry_prod", tableName = "merge_queue_table")

      import sc.implicits._
      //      val stat_date = GmeiConfig.getMinusNDate(1)
      val partition_date = param.date.replace("-","")

      val device_id_cover = sc.sql(
           |select distinct(device_id) as device_id
           |from merge_queue_table

      val diary_pv = sc.sql(
           |select '${param.date}' as stat_date,count(params["business_id"]) as diary_pv,count(distinct(cl_id)) as device_num_diary
           |from online.tl_hdfs_maidian_view
           |where action="page_view"
           |and params["page_name"]="diary_detail"
           |and (params["out"]-params["in"])<7200
           |and partition_date ='${partition_date}'

      val meigou_pv = sc.sql(
           |select '${param.date}' as stat_date,count(params["business_id"]) as meigou_pv,count(distinct(cl_id)) as device_num_meigou
           |from online.tl_hdfs_maidian_view
           |where action="page_view"
           |and params["page_name"]="welfare_detail"
           |and (params["out"]-params["in"])<7200
           |and partition_date ='${partition_date}'

      val result = diary_pv.join(meigou_pv,"stat_date")


