ctr.py 3.75 KB
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import pandas as pd
import pymysql
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from datetime import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
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def get_city():
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    sql = "select distinct city_id from data_feed_exposure where stat_date >= '2018-10-01' order by city_id"
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    db = pymysql.connect(host='', port=4000, user='root', passwd='3SYz54LS9#^9sBvC', db='jerry_prod')
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9 10 11 12 13 14 15
    cursor = db.cursor()
    result = cursor.fetchall()
    user = pd.DataFrame(list(result))[0].values.tolist()
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18 19 20
    sql = "select distinct name from api_tag where tag_type = 4"
    db = pymysql.connect(host='rdsfewzdmf0jfjp9un8xj.mysql.rds.aliyuncs.com', port=3306,
                         user='work', passwd='BJQaT9VzDcuPBqkd', db='zhengxing')
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21 22 23 24 25 26 27
    cursor = db.cursor()
    result = cursor.fetchall()
    user = pd.DataFrame(list(result))[0].values.tolist()
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28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95

# def get_tail8():
#     sql = "select distinct device_id from data_feed_click \
#       where stat_date='{}' \
#       and cid_type='{}' \
#       and device_id regexp '8$';".format(stat_date,cid_type)
#     db = pymysql.connect(host='', port=4000, user='root', passwd='3SYz54LS9#^9sBvC', db='jerry_test')
#     cursor = db.cursor()
#     print("开始获取")
#     cursor.execute(sql)
#     print("成功获取")
#     result = cursor.fetchall()
#     db.close()
#     user = pd.DataFrame(list(result))[0].values.tolist()
#     user = tuple(user)
#     print("尾号是8的用户个数")
#     print(len(user))
#     return user

# def get_ctr(user_tuple):
#     sql = "select count(device_id) from data_feed_click \
#               where stat_date='{}' \
#               and cid_type='{}' \
#               and device_id in {}".format(stat_date, cid_type, user_tuple)
#     db = pymysql.connect(host='', port=4000, user='root', passwd='3SYz54LS9#^9sBvC', db='jerry_test')
#     cursor = db.cursor()
#     print("开始获取")
#     cursor.execute(sql)
#     click = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
#     print(click)
#     sql = "select count(device_id) from data_feed_exposure \
#               where stat_date='{}' \
#               and cid_type='{}' \
#               and device_id in {}".format(stat_date, cid_type, user_tuple)
#     cursor = db.cursor()
#     print("开始获取")
#     cursor.execute(sql)
#     exp = cursor.fetchall()[0][0]
#     db.close()
#     print(exp)
#     print(click / exp)

# def get_tail6():
#     df = pd.read_csv(path+"{}predictTail6Unique.csv".format(stat_date))
#     pre_list = tuple(eval(df.loc[0,"list"]))
#     print(len(pre_list))
#     print(pre_list[:2])
#     db = pymysql.connect(host='', port=4000, user='root', passwd='3SYz54LS9#^9sBvC', db='jerry_test')
#     sql = "select distinct device_id from data_feed_click \
#           where stat_date='{}' \
#           and cid_type='{}' \
#           and device_id in {}".format(stat_date,cid_type,pre_list)
#     cursor = db.cursor()
#     print("开始获取")
#     cursor.execute(sql)
#     print("成功获取")
#     result = cursor.fetchall()
#     db.close()
#     print(pd.DataFrame(list(result)).empty)
#     user = pd.DataFrame(list(result))[0].values.tolist()
#     user = tuple(user)
#     print("用户个数")
#     print(len(user))
#     return user
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96 97 98

if __name__ == "__main__":
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99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
    # path = "/data/models/"
    # cid_type = "diary"
    # now = datetime.now()
    # year = now.year
    # month = now.month
    # day = now.day
    # stat_date = datetime(year, month, day)
    # stat_date = (stat_date - timedelta(days=1)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
    # print(stat_date)
    # tail6 = get_tail6()
    # get_ctr(tail6)
    # tail8 = get_tail8()
    # get_ctr(tail8)
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114 115 116