Commit 3d2fa288 authored by 王志伟's avatar 王志伟


parent 86cc8773
......@@ -70,13 +70,21 @@ object Search_keywords_count {
|where (action = 'do_search' or action = 'search_result_click_search')
|and partition_date ='20190108'
val b=JSON.parseFull(x.toString())
b match {
// Matches if jsonStr is valid JSON and represents a Map of Strings to Any
case Some(map: Map[String, Any]) => println(map)
case None => println("Parsing failed")
case other => println("Unknown data structure: " + other)
val tempp=search_keywords.collect()
for (i <- 0 until tempp.length ) {
// val tempp=search_keywords.collect()
// for (i <- 0 until tempp.length ) {
// println(tempp(i))
// }
// GmeiConfig.writeToJDBCTable(search_keywords, table = "temp_search_keywords", SaveMode.Overwrite)
// val search_count = sc.sql(
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