Commit 77e2d161 authored by 高雅喆's avatar 高雅喆

增加热搜词冷启动的tag name

parent f8dff4e1
......@@ -185,6 +185,12 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
redis_client.hmset(hot_search_words_portrait_portrait_key2, hot_search_words_portrait_dict)
hot_search_words_portrait_portrait_key2 = "user:service_coldstart_tags2_name"
hot_search_words_portrait_dict = {i["keywords"]: 0.2 for i in hot_search_words}
gm_kv_cli.hmset(hot_search_words_portrait_portrait_key2, hot_search_words_portrait_dict)
redis_client.hmset(hot_search_words_portrait_portrait_key2, hot_search_words_portrait_dict)
hot_search_words = ["明星娱乐", "网红扒一扒", "明星颜值打call", "颜商", "颜值高光时刻", "瘦脸针", "水光针", "光子嫩肤", "热玛吉", "瘦腿针", "超声刀", "瘦肩针", "皮秒", "果酸焕肤",
"热拉提", "微针", "超皮秒", "点阵激光", "小气泡", "玻尿酸丰下巴", "埋线双眼皮", "纹眉", "嗨体", "溶脂针瘦脸", "黄金微针", "点痣", "激光祛斑", "白瓷娃娃",
"除皱针注射", "微针祛痘坑", "玻尿酸", "大分子玻尿酸", "胶原蛋白", "肉毒素", "水杨酸", "果酸", "杏仁酸", "黑脸娃娃", "童颜针", "祛斑", "祛痣", "祛黑头", "祛疤",
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