Commit 9fbc4300 authored by 高雅喆's avatar 高雅喆

optimize sql with stat_date

parent e4092f53
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from utils import con_sql
from utils import con_sql,get_yesterday_date
class CidRate(object):
def __init__(self, platform, cid_type, ndays=1):
def __init__(self, platform, cid_type):
ndays : 1;2;3;4.. #The number of days from the current time
platform : 'all';'ios';'android'
cid_type : 'diary';'answer';'question'...
self.ndays = ndays
if platform == "ios":
self.platform = "='App Store'"
elif platform == "android":
......@@ -25,13 +23,13 @@ class CidRate(object):
rtype : list
sql_cid = "select count(cid) from data_feed_click2 \
where from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{0} day) \
where stat_date > '{0}' \
and device_type{1} \
and cid_type='{2}'".format(self.ndays,self.platform.replace(' ','') if self.platform[-2]=='e' else self.platform,self.cid_type)
and cid_type='{2}'".format(get_yesterday_date(),self.platform.replace(' ','') if self.platform[-2]=='e' else self.platform,self.cid_type)
cid_clk_count = con_sql(sql_cid)[0][0]
sql_all = "select count(cid) from data_feed_click2 \
where from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{0} day) \
and device_type{1}".format(self.ndays, self.platform.replace(' ','') if self.platform[-2]=='e' else self.platform)
where stat_date > '{0}' \
and device_type{1}".format(get_yesterday_date(), self.platform.replace(' ','') if self.platform[-2]=='e' else self.platform)
all_clk_count = con_sql(sql_all)[0][0]
cid_clk_rate = round(cid_clk_count/all_clk_count,4)
return [platform,cid_clk_count,all_clk_count,cid_clk_rate]
......@@ -43,12 +41,12 @@ class CidRate(object):
rtype : list
sql_cid = "select count(cid) from data_feed_exposure2 \
where from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{0} day) \
and device_type{1} and cid_type='{2}'".format(self.ndays,self.platform,self.cid_type)
where stat_date > '{0}' \
and device_type{1} and cid_type='{2}'".format(get_yesterday_date(),self.platform,self.cid_type)
cid_imp_count = con_sql(sql_cid)[0][0]
sql_all = "select count(cid) from data_feed_exposure2 \
where from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{0} day) \
and device_type{1}".format(self.ndays, self.platform)
where stat_date > '{0}' \
and device_type{1}".format(get_yesterday_date(), self.platform)
all_imp_count = con_sql(sql_all)[0][0]
cid_imp_rate = round(cid_imp_count/all_imp_count,4)
return [platform,cid_imp_count,all_imp_count,cid_imp_rate]
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
from utils import con_sql
from utils import con_sql,get_yesterday_date
class ClkCidUidRate(object):
def __init__(self, platform, cid_type, ndays=1):
def __init__(self, platform, cid_type):
ndays : 1;2;3;4.. #The number of days from the current time
platform : 'all';'ios';'android'
cid_type : 'diary';'answer';'question';"everything"...
self.ndays = ndays
if platform == "ios":
self.platform = "='App Store'"
elif platform == "android":
......@@ -27,15 +25,15 @@ class ClkCidUidRate(object):
rtype : list
sql_clk = "select count(distinct(device_id)) from data_feed_click2 \
where from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{0} day) \
where stat_date > '{0}' \
and device_type{1} \
and cid_type{2}".format(self.ndays,self.platform.replace(' ','') if self.platform[-2]=='e' else self.platform,self.cid_type)
and cid_type{2}".format(get_yesterday_date(),self.platform.replace(' ','') if self.platform[-2]=='e' else self.platform,self.cid_type)
clk_count = con_sql(sql_clk)[0][0]
sql_imp = "select count(distinct(device_id)) from data_feed_exposure2 \
where from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{0} day) \
where stat_date > '{0}' \
and device_type{1} \
and cid_type{2}".format(self.ndays,self.platform,self.cid_type)
and cid_type{2}".format(get_yesterday_date(),self.platform,self.cid_type)
imp_count = con_sql(sql_imp)[0][0]
clk_rate = round(clk_count/imp_count,4)
from utils import con_sql
from utils import con_sql,get_yesterday_date
from getClickZeroUidDetail import get_click_zero_uid_count
from getRegisterUidDetail import get_register_uid_count
def get_activate_uid_ctr(platform, ndays=1):
def get_activate_uid_ctr(platform):
ndays : 1;2;3;4.. #The number of days from the current time
platform : 'all';'ios';'android'
rtype : list
......@@ -18,16 +17,16 @@ def get_activate_uid_ctr(platform, ndays=1):
platform = " is not null"
sql_clk = "select count(device_id) from data_feed_click2 \
where from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{0} day) \
and device_type{1}".format(ndays, platform.replace(' ','') if platform[-2]=='e' else platform)
where stat_date > '{0}' \
and device_type{1}".format(get_yesterday_date(), platform.replace(' ','') if platform[-2]=='e' else platform)
clk_count = con_sql(sql_clk)[0][0]
sql_imp = "select count(device_id) from data_feed_exposure2 \
where from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{0} day) \
where stat_date > '{0}' \
and device_id in \
(select device_id from data_feed_click2 \
where from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{1} day) \
and device_type{2}) \
and device_type{3}".format(ndays, ndays, platform.replace(' ','') if platform[-2]=='e' else platform, platform)
where stat_date > '{0}' \
and device_type{1}) \
and device_type{2}".format(get_yesterday_date(), platform.replace(' ','') if platform[-2]=='e' else platform, platform)
imp_count = con_sql(sql_imp)[0][0]
clk_rate = round(clk_count/imp_count, 4 )
if platform == "='App Store'":
......@@ -39,9 +38,8 @@ def get_activate_uid_ctr(platform, ndays=1):
return [platform, clk_count, imp_count, clk_rate]
def get_activate_uid_imp_times(city,ndays=1):
def get_activate_uid_imp_times(city):
ndays : 1;2;3;4.. #The number of days from the current time
city : 'beijing';'all'
rtype : list
......@@ -50,16 +48,16 @@ def get_activate_uid_imp_times(city,ndays=1):
city = " is not null"
sql_uid = "select count(distinct(device_id)) from data_feed_click2 \
where from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{0} day) \
and city_id{1}".format(ndays,city)
where stat_date > '{0}' \
and city_id{1}".format(get_yesterday_date(),city)
sql_uid_count = con_sql(sql_uid)[0][0]
sql_imp = "select count(device_id) from data_feed_exposure2 \
where device_id in \
(select device_id from data_feed_click2 \
where from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{0} day) \
where stat_date > '{0}' \
and city_id{1}) \
and from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{0} day) \
and city_id{1}".format(ndays,city)
and stat_date > '{0}' \
and city_id{1}".format(get_yesterday_date(),city)
sql_imp_times = con_sql(sql_imp)[0][0]
if city == "='beijing'":
city = "北京"
......@@ -4,14 +4,12 @@ from config import DIRECTORY_PATH
class TopFeatures(object):
def __init__(self, platform, cid_type, top_n=-1, ndays=1):
def __init__(self, platform, cid_type, top_n=-1):
ndays : 1;2;3;4.. #The number of days from the current time
platform : 'all';'ios';'android'
cid_type : 'diary';'answer';'question'...
top_n : the top rows of the result
self.ndays = ndays
if platform == "ios":
self.platform = "='App Store'"
elif platform == "android":
......@@ -25,10 +23,10 @@ class TopFeatures(object):
def get_click_times(self):
# rtype : dict
sql = "select cid,count(cid) from data_feed_click2 \
where from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{0} day) \
where stat_date > '{0}' \
and device_type{1} and cid_type='{2}' \
group by cid \
order by count(cid) desc".format(self.ndays, self.platform.replace(' ','') if self.platform[-2]=='e' else self.platform, self.cid_type)
order by count(cid) desc".format(get_yesterday_date(), self.platform.replace(' ','') if self.platform[-2]=='e' else self.platform, self.cid_type)
clk_times = tuple2dict(con_sql(sql))
return clk_times
......@@ -36,9 +34,9 @@ class TopFeatures(object):
def get_impression_times(self):
# rtype : dict
sql = "select cid,count(cid) from data_feed_exposure2 \
where from_unixtime(time,'%Y-%m-%d')=date_add(curdate(), interval -{0} day) \
where stat_date > '{0}' \
and device_type{1} and cid_type='{2}' \
group by cid order by count(cid) desc".format(self.ndays, self.platform, self.cid_type)
group by cid order by count(cid) desc".format(get_yesterday_date(), self.platform, self.cid_type)
imp_times = tuple2dict(con_sql(sql))
return imp_times
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