Commit c4d53c9d authored by 王志伟's avatar 王志伟


parent 34ef13e2
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ def get_data():
validate_date = con_sql(db, sql)[0].values.tolist()[0]
print("validate_date:" + validate_date)
temp = datetime.datetime.strptime(validate_date, "%Y-%m-%d")
start = (temp - datetime.timedelta(days=300)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
start = (temp - datetime.timedelta(days=3)).strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
db = pymysql.connect(host='', port=4000, user='root', passwd='3SYz54LS9#^9sBvC', db='jerry_test')
sql = "select e.y,e.z,e.stat_date,e.ucity_id,feat.level2_ids,e.ccity_name,u.device_type,u.manufacturer," \
......@@ -83,7 +83,8 @@ def get_data():
unique_values = []
features = ["ucity_id", "ccity_name", "device_type", "manufacturer",
"channel", "top", "time", "stat_date","hospital_id"]
"channel", "top", "time", "stat_date","hospital_id",
"method", "min", "max", "treatment_time", "maintain_time", "recover_time"]
for i in features:
df[i] = df[i].astype("str")
df[i] = df[i].fillna("lost")
......@@ -98,7 +99,8 @@ def get_data():
train = df[df["stat_date"] != validate_date+"stat_date"]
test = df[df["stat_date"] == validate_date+"stat_date"]
for i in ["ucity_id", "ccity_name", "device_type", "manufacturer",
"channel", "top", "time", "stat_date","hospital_id"]:
"channel", "top", "time", "stat_date","hospital_id",
"method", "min", "max", "treatment_time", "maintain_time", "recover_time"]:
train[i] = train[i].map(value_map)
test[i] = test[i].map(value_map)
......@@ -139,16 +141,19 @@ def get_predict(date,value_map,app_list_map,level2_map,level3_map):
db = pymysql.connect(host='', port=4000, user='root', passwd='3SYz54LS9#^9sBvC', db='jerry_test')
sql = "select e.y,e.z,e.label,e.ucity_id,feat.level2_ids,e.ccity_name," \
"u.device_type,u.manufacturer,,,e.device_id,e.cid_id,cut.time," \
"dl.app_list,e.hospital_id,feat.level3_ids " \
"dl.app_list,e.hospital_id,feat.level3_ids,k.treatment_method,k.price_min,k.price_max,k.treatment_time,k.maintain_time,k.recover_time " \
"from esmm_pre_data e left join user_feature u on e.device_id = u.device_id " \
"left join cid_type_top c on e.device_id = c.device_id " \
"left join cid_time_cut cut on e.cid_id = cut.cid " \
"left join device_app_list dl on e.device_id = dl.device_id " \
"left join diary_feat feat on e.cid_id = feat.diary_id limit 600"
"left join diary_feat feat on e.cid_id = feat.diary_id " \
"left join train_Knowledge_network_data k on feat.level2 = k.level2_id limit 600"
df = con_sql(db, sql)
df = df.rename(columns={0: "y", 1: "z", 2: "label", 3: "ucity_id", 4: "clevel2_id", 5: "ccity_name",
6: "device_type", 7: "manufacturer", 8: "channel", 9: "top",10: "device_id",
11: "cid_id", 12: "time",13:"app_list",14:"hospital_id",15:"level3_ids"})
11: "cid_id", 12: "time",13:"app_list",14:"hospital_id",15:"level3_ids",
16: "method", 17: "min", 18: "max", 19: "treatment_time", 20: "maintain_time",
21: "recover_time"})
df["stat_date"] = date
......@@ -164,7 +169,8 @@ def get_predict(date,value_map,app_list_map,level2_map,level3_map):
df["uid"] = df["device_id"]
df["city"] = df["ucity_id"]
features = ["ucity_id", "ccity_name", "device_type", "manufacturer",
"channel", "top", "time", "stat_date","hospital_id"]
"channel", "top", "time", "stat_date","hospital_id",
"method", "min", "max", "treatment_time", "maintain_time", "recover_time"]
for i in features:
df[i] = df[i].astype("str")
df[i] = df[i].fillna("lost")
......@@ -176,7 +182,8 @@ def get_predict(date,value_map,app_list_map,level2_map,level3_map):
nearby_pre = nearby_pre.drop("label", axis=1)
for i in ["ucity_id", "ccity_name", "device_type", "manufacturer",
"channel", "top", "time", "stat_date","hospital_id"]:
"channel", "top", "time", "stat_date","hospital_id",
"method", "min", "max", "treatment_time", "maintain_time", "recover_time"]:
native_pre[i] = native_pre[i].map(value_map)
# TODO 没有覆盖到的类别会处理成na,暂时用0填充,后续完善一下
native_pre[i] = native_pre[i].fillna(0)
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