Commit f618a1e5 authored by 王志伟's avatar 王志伟


parent af4a2985
......@@ -202,6 +202,8 @@ object coincidence_xinyang {
|select '${data}' as stat_date,count(distinct(device_id)) as yesterday_coincidence_num
|from device_id_coincidence
|where stat_date = '${data}'
|and device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
......@@ -211,6 +213,8 @@ object coincidence_xinyang {
|from data_feed_exposure
|where stat_date = '${yesterday}'
|and device_type !='App Store'
|and device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
......@@ -222,6 +226,8 @@ object coincidence_xinyang {
|select '${data}' as stat_date,count(distinct(device_id)) as week_coincidence_num
|from device_id_coincidence
|where stat_date > '${week_day}'
|and device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
......@@ -231,6 +237,8 @@ object coincidence_xinyang {
|from data_feed_exposure
|where stat_date > '${pre_weekday}'
|and device_type !='App Store'
|and device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
......@@ -242,6 +250,8 @@ object coincidence_xinyang {
|select '${data}' as stat_date,count(distinct(device_id)) as month_coincidence_num
|from device_id_coincidence
|where stat_date > '${month_day}'
|and device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
//2.0 每月活跃总用户(采用曝光计算)
......@@ -251,6 +261,8 @@ object coincidence_xinyang {
|from data_feed_exposure
|where stat_date > '${pre_monthday}'
|and device_type !='App Store'
|and device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
......@@ -260,9 +272,10 @@ object coincidence_xinyang {
//GmeiConfig.writeToJDBCTable(result, "coincidence_xinyang", SaveMode.Append)
GmeiConfig.writeToJDBCTable(result, "coincidence_xinyang", SaveMode.Append)
/* //截止目前获得的与新氧重合的用户数计算美购情况
val meigou_coincidence_num = sc.sql(
|select count(service_id) as meigou_coincidence_num
......@@ -271,10 +284,14 @@ object coincidence_xinyang {
|and pay_time is not null
|and pay_time >= '2017-11-18'
|and device_id in (select distinct(device_id) from device_id_coincidence)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
val meigou_pay_device = sc.sql(
|select count(DISTINCT(device_id)) as meigou_pay_device
......@@ -283,18 +300,50 @@ object coincidence_xinyang {
|and pay_time is not null
|and pay_time >= '2017-11-18'
|and device_id in (select distinct(device_id) from device_id_coincidence)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
val meigou_pay_all = sc.sql(
|select count(DISTINCT(device_id)) as meigou_pay_device
|from online.ml_meigou_order_detail
|where partition_date = '20181118'
|and pay_time is not null
|and pay_time >= '2017-11-18'
|and device_id in (select distinct(device_id) from device_id_coincidence)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
val meigou_pay_device_all = sc.sql(
|select count(DISTINCT(device_id)) as meigou_pay_device
|from online.ml_meigou_order_detail
|where partition_date = '20181118'
|and pay_time is not null
|and pay_time >= '2017-11-18'
|and device_id in (select distinct(device_id) from device_id_coincidence)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and device_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
val zixun_num_all = sc.sql(
|select count(cl_id) as zixun_num_all
|from online.tl_hdfs_maidian_view
|where partition_date > '20171118'
|where partition_date > '20180101'
|and action = 'welfare_detail_click_message'
|and cl_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and cl_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
......@@ -303,8 +352,10 @@ object coincidence_xinyang {
|select count(distinct(cl_id)) zixun_device_all
|from online.tl_hdfs_maidian_view
|where partition_date > '20171118'
|where partition_date > '20180101'
|and action = 'welfare_detail_click_message'
|and cl_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and cl_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
......@@ -313,9 +364,11 @@ object coincidence_xinyang {
|select count(cl_id) as zixun_num_co
|from online.tl_hdfs_maidian_view
|where partition_date > '20171118'
|where partition_date > '20180101'
|and action = 'welfare_detail_click_message'
|and cl_id in (select distinct(device_id) from device_id_coincidence)
|and cl_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and cl_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
......@@ -324,9 +377,11 @@ object coincidence_xinyang {
|select count(distinct(cl_id)) as zixun_num_co_dis
|from online.tl_hdfs_maidian_view
|where partition_date > '20171118'
|where partition_date > '20180101'
|and action = 'welfare_detail_click_message'
|and cl_id in (select distinct(device_id) from device_id_coincidence)
|and cl_id not in (select device_id from bl_device_list)
|and cl_id not in (select device_id from blacklist)
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