Commit 841c21fa authored by 段英荣's avatar 段英荣

modify kafka conf

parent 504a2d96
......@@ -8,19 +8,17 @@ from linucb.views.linucb import LinUCB
import json
from trans2es.models.tag import TopicTag
import traceback
from django.conf import settings
class KafkaManager(object):
# kafka信息
kafka_broker_list = ",,"
topic_name = "alpha-maidian-data"
consumser_obj = None
def get_kafka_consumer_ins(cls, topic_name=None):
if not cls.consumser_obj:
topic_name = cls.topic_name if not topic_name else topic_name
cls.consumser_obj = KafkaConsumer(topic_name,bootstrap_servers=cls.kafka_broker_list)
topic_name = settings.KAFKA_TOPIC_NAME if not topic_name else topic_name
cls.consumser_obj = KafkaConsumer(topic_name,bootstrap_servers=settings.KAFKA_BROKER_LIST)
# cls.consumser_obj.subscribe([topic_name])
return cls.consumser_obj
......@@ -41,11 +41,11 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
official_index_name = ESPerform.get_official_index_name(type_name)
index_exists = es_cli.indices.exists(official_index_name)
if not index_exists:"begin create [%s] index and mapping!" % type_name)"begin create [%s] index!" % type_name)
ESPerform.create_index(es_cli, type_name)
ESPerform.put_index_mapping(es_cli, type_name)
logging.warning("index:[%s] has already existing!" % type_name)"begin create [%s] mapping!" % type_name)
ESPerform.put_index_mapping(es_cli, type_name, force_sync=True)
if len(options["indices_template"]):
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