Commit 5334925d authored by 杨成林's avatar 杨成林

Merge branch 'ycl/index' into 'test'


See merge request !387
parents 6fcc7c07 e6628af5
......@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ class TopicHomeFixOperation(APIView):
def get(self, request):
pos = request.GET.get("pos", 4)
pos = request.GET.get("pos", 3)
data = self.rpc['venus/sun/operation/home_fix/info'](pos=pos).unwrap()
except Exception as e:
error_logger.error(u'运营位获取失败%s', e)
......@@ -66,15 +66,16 @@ class TopicHomeFixOperation(APIView):
image = request.POST.get('image')
protocol = request.POST.get("protocol")
pos = request.POST.get("pos", 4)
version = request.POST.get("version", 4)
pos = request.POST.get("pos", 3)
version = request.POST.get("version", "0.0.0")
repeat_read = request.POST.get("repeat_read", 0)
if not image or not protocol:
return {'message': '参数不全'}
self.rpc['venus/sun/operation/home_fix/edit'](image=image, protocol=protocol, pos=pos,
version=version, repeat_read=repeat_read).unwrap()
except Exception as e:
error_logger.error(u'更新失败', e)
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