Commit dded8790 authored by haowang's avatar haowang

fix code

parent db21648e
......@@ -10,22 +10,28 @@ class VirtualVote(APIView):
xls_file = request.FILES.get('file')
if not xls_file:
return u'文件上传出错'
return {'message': u'上传失败,请重新上传', 'code': 500}
wb = load_workbook(xls_file)
data = wb.get_sheet_by_name(wb.get_sheet_names()[0])
row_data = [item.value for row in data.rows for item in row if item.value]
columns = [item for item in data.columns]
column_data = columns[0]
column_data = [item.value for item in column_data]
if '用户id' not in column_data:
return {'message': u'文件数据格式错误,请确保内容中有”用户id“标题', 'code': 500}
user_ids = []
for item in row_data:
for item in column_data:
user_id = int(item)
if not user_ids:
return u'上传文件失败'
return {'message': u'上传失败,文件第一列不存在user_id数据', 'code': 500}
return u'Ok'
return {'message': u'上传成功', 'code': 200}
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