Commit 0c82b67f authored by Igor Dejanovic's avatar Igor Dejanovic

Default semantic action made optional.

parent 0faae5f5
......@@ -825,7 +825,7 @@ class Parser(object):
self.parse_tree = self._parse()
return self.parse_tree
def getASG(self, sem_actions=None):
def getASG(self, sem_actions=None, defaults=True):
Creates Abstract Semantic Graph (ASG) from the parse tree.
......@@ -833,6 +833,8 @@ class Parser(object):
sem_actions (dict): The semantic actions dictionary to use for
semantic analysis. Rule names are the keys and semantic action
objects are values.
defaults (bool): If True a default semantic action will be applied in
case no action is defined for the node.
if not self.parse_tree:
raise Exception("Parse tree is empty. You did call parse(), didn't you?")
......@@ -884,11 +886,15 @@ class Parser(object):
print("\tApplying semantic action ", type(sem_action))
# If no rule is present use some sane defaults
if self.debug:
print("\tApplying default semantic action.")
if defaults:
# If no rule is present use some sane defaults
if self.debug:
print("\tApplying default semantic action.")
retval = SemanticAction().first_pass(self, node, children)
retval = SemanticAction().first_pass(self, node, children)
retval = node
if self.debug:
if retval is None:
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