Commit 5261b981 authored by Igor Dejanovic's avatar Igor Dejanovic

Docs update. Parse tree navigation and some fixes.

parent 75e2027a
......@@ -29,12 +29,12 @@ Example grammar in PEG notation:
.. code::
first = 'first' second+ EOF
second = 'a' / 'b'
first = 'foo' second+ EOF
second = 'bar' / 'baz'
In this example ``first`` is the root rule. This rule will match a literal string ``first`` followed
In this example ``first`` is the root rule. This rule will match a literal string ``foo`` followed
by one or more ``second`` rule (this is a rule reference) followed by end of input (``EOF``).
``second`` rule is ordered choice and will match either ``a`` or ``b`` in that order.
``second`` rule is ordered choice and will match either ``bar`` or ``baz`` in that order.
During parsing each successfully matched rule will create a parse tree node (see `Parse tree`_).
......@@ -178,6 +178,23 @@ An example of the ``calc`` grammar given in PEG syntax (``arpeggio.cleanpeg``):
expression = term (("+" / "-") term)*
calc = expression+ EOF
Each grammar rule is given as an assignment where the lhs is the rule name (e.g. ``number``) and the
rhs is a PEG expression. Literal string matches are given as strings (e.g. ``"+"``) while regex matches
are given as strings with prefix ``r`` (e.g. ``r'\d*\.\d*|\d+'``).
Sequence is a space separated list of expressions. Ordered choice is a list of expression separated with
``/`` (e.g. ``"+" / "-"``). Zero or more expression is specified by ``*`` operator
(e.g. ``(( "*" / "/" ) factor)*``). One of more is specified by ``+`` operator (e.g. ``expression+``).
``And`` and ``Not`` predicates are also supported. ``And`` predicate is specified by ``&`` operator
(e.g. ``&expression`` - not used in the above grammar). ``Not`` predicate is specified by ``!`` operator
(e.g. ``!expression`` - not used in the above grammar).
In the rhs a rule reference is a name of another rule. Parser will try to match another rule at that
Special rule ``EOF`` will match end of input string.
Creating a parser using PEG syntax is done by the class ``ParserPEG`` from the ``arpeggio.peg`` or
``arpeggio.cleanpeg`` modules.
......@@ -226,13 +243,23 @@ The leaf nodes are terminals and they are matched by the string match or regex m
In the square brackets is the location in the input stream where the terminal/non-terminal is recognized.
Each parse tree node has the following attributes:
- **rule** - the parsing expression that created this node.
- **rule_name** - the name of the rule if it was the root rule or empty string otherwise.
- **position** - the position in the input stream where this node was recognized.
Terminal nodes
Terminals in Arpeggio are created by the specializations of the ``Match`` class:
Terminals in Arpeggio are created by the specializations of the parsing expression ``Match`` class.
There are two specialization of ``Match`` class:
- ``StrMatch`` if the literal string is matched from the input or
- ``RegExMatch`` if a regular expression is used to match input.
To get the matched string from the terminal object just convert it to string
(e.g. ``str(t)`` where ``t`` is of ``Terminal`` type)
Non-terminal nodes
Non-terminal nodes are non-leaf nodes of the parse tree. They are created by PEG grammar rules.
......@@ -241,12 +268,55 @@ Children of non-terminals can be other non-terminals or terminals.
For example, nodes with the labels ``expression``, ``factor`` and ``term`` from the above parse
tree are non-terminal nodes created by the rules with the same names.
Parse tree navigation
Usually we want to transform parse tree to some more usable form or to extract some data from it.
Parse tree can be navigated using following approaches:
``NonTerminal`` inherits from ``list``. The elements of ``NonTerminal`` are its children nodes.
So, you can use index access:
.. code:: python
child = pt_node[2]
Or iteration:
.. code:: python
for child in pt_node:
Additionally, you can access children by the child rule name:
For example:
.. code:: python
TODO: Finish this section
# Grammar
def foo(): return "a", bar, "b", baz, "c", ZeroOrMore(bar)
def bar(): return "bar"
def baz(): return "baz"
# Parsing
parser = ParserPython(foo)
result = parser.parse("a bar b baz c bar bar bar")
# Accessing parse tree nodes. All asserts will pass.
# Index access
assert result[1].rule_name == 'bar'
# Access by rule name
assert == 'bar'
assert len(result) == 8
# There is 4 bar matched from result (at the beginning and from ZeroOrMore)
# Dot access collect all NTs from the given path
assert len( == 4
# You could call dot access recursively, e.g. if the
# rule bar called baz. In that case all bars would be collected from
# the root and for each bar all baz will be collected.
# Verify position
# First bar is at position 2 and second is at position 14
assert[0].position == 2
assert[1].position == 14
Grammar debugging
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