Commit 923c4768 authored by Igor Dejanovic's avatar Igor Dejanovic

eolterm implementation

eolterm is a flag on repetitions that indicates that repetition should
not continue to match beyond a newline.
parent badf467a
......@@ -359,7 +359,16 @@ class OrderedChoice(Sequence):
class Repetition(ParsingExpression):
Base class for all repetition-like parser expressions (?,*,+)
eolterm(bool): Flag that indicates that end of line should
terminate repetition match.
def __init__(self, *elements, **kwargs):
super(Repetition, self).__init__(*elements, **kwargs)
if 'eolterm' in kwargs:
self.eolterm = kwargs['eolterm']
self.eolterm = False
class Optional(Repetition):
......@@ -387,12 +396,22 @@ class ZeroOrMore(Repetition):
def _parse(self, parser):
results = []
# Remember current eolterm and set eolterm of
# this repetition
old_eolterm = parser.eolterm
parser.eolterm = self.eolterm
while True:
c_pos = parser.position
except NoMatch as e:
parser.position = c_pos # Backtracking
# Restore previous eolterm
parser.eolterm = old_eolterm
if results:
raise NoMatch(e.rule, e.position, e.parser,
......@@ -408,6 +427,12 @@ class OneOrMore(Repetition):
def _parse(self, parser):
results = []
first = False
# Remember current eolterm and set eolterm of
# this repetition
old_eolterm = parser.eolterm
parser.eolterm = self.eolterm
while True:
c_pos = parser.position
......@@ -415,6 +440,10 @@ class OneOrMore(Repetition):
first = True
except NoMatch:
parser.position = c_pos # Backtracking
# Restore previous eolterm
parser.eolterm = old_eolterm
if not first:
......@@ -921,6 +950,11 @@ class Parser(object):
def __init__(self, skipws=True, ws=DEFAULT_WS, reduce_tree=False,
debug=False, ignore_case=False):
# Used to indicate state in which parser should not
# treat newlines as whitespaces.
self._eolterm = False
self.skipws = skipws = ws
self.reduce_tree = reduce_tree
......@@ -946,6 +980,32 @@ class Parser(object):
# Last parsing expression traversed
self._last_pexpression = None
def ws(self):
return self._ws
def ws(self, new_value):
self._real_ws = new_value
self._ws = new_value
if self.eolterm:
self._ws = self._ws.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
def eolterm(self):
return self._eolterm
def eolterm(self, new_value):
# Toggle newline char in ws on eolterm property set.
# During eolterm state parser should not treat
# newline as a whitespace.
self._eolterm = new_value
if self._eolterm:
self._ws = self._ws.replace('\n', '').replace('\r', '')
self._ws = self._real_ws
def parse(self, _input):
self.position = 0 # Input position
self.nm = None # Last NoMatch exception
import pytest
# Grammar
from arpeggio import ZeroOrMore, ParserPython, NonTerminal
def grammar(): return first, second
def first(): return ZeroOrMore(["a", "b"], eolterm=True)
def second(): return "a"
def test_eolterm():
# first rule should match only first line
# so that second rule will match "a" on the new line
input = """a a b a b b
parser = ParserPython(grammar, reduce_tree=False)
result = parser.parse(input)
assert result
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