#. First write a grammar. There are several ways to do that:
1. First write a grammar. There are several ways to do that:
a) The canonical grammar format uses Python statements and expressions. Each rule is specified as Python function which should return a data structure that defines the rule. For example a grammar for simple calculator can be written as::
@@ -73,20 +73,20 @@ Quick start
The second and third options are implemented using canonical first form. Feel free to implement your own grammar syntax if you don't like these (see modules :code:`arpeggio.peg` and :code:`arpeggio.cleanpeg`).
#. Instantiate a parser. Parser works as grammar interpreter. There is no code generation::
2. Instantiate a parser. Parser works as grammar interpreter. There is no code generation::
from arpeggio import ParserPython
parser = ParserPython(calc) # calc is the root rule of your grammar
# Use param debug=True for verbose debugging messages and
# grammar and parse tree visualization using graphviz and dot
#. Analyze parse tree directly or write semantic actions to transform it to a more usable form. See examples how it is done.
4. Analyze parse tree directly or write semantic actions to transform it to a more usable form. See examples how it is done.
#. For textual PEG syntaxes instead of :code:`ParserPyton` instantiate :code:`ParserPEG` from :code:`arpeggio.peg` or :code:`arpeggio.cleanpeg` modules. See examples how it is done.
5. For textual PEG syntaxes instead of :code:`ParserPyton` instantiate :code:`ParserPEG` from :code:`arpeggio.peg` or :code:`arpeggio.cleanpeg` modules. See examples how it is done.
To debug your grammar set :code:`debug` parameter to :code:`True`. A verbose debug messages will be printed and a dot files will be generated for parser model (grammar) and parse tree visualization.
@@ -99,6 +99,7 @@ And here is an image rendered for parse tree for the above parsed calc expressio