Commit f592bd95 authored by Igor Dejanovic's avatar Igor Dejanovic

Reworked cross-refs resolving in textx parser construction.

parent 8cd1f69e
......@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ from collections import namedtuple
from arpeggio import StrMatch, Optional, ZeroOrMore, OneOrMore, Sequence,\
OrderedChoice, RegExMatch, NoMatch, EOF,\
SemanticAction,ParserPython, Combine, Parser, SemanticActionSingleChild,\
SemanticActionBodyWithBraces, Terminal
SemanticActionBodyWithBraces, Terminal, ParsingExpression
from arpeggio.export import PMDOTExporter, PTDOTExporter
from arpeggio import RegExMatch as _
......@@ -149,43 +149,37 @@ class TextXModelSA(SemanticAction):
def second_pass(self, parser, textx_parser):
"""Cross reference resolving for parser model."""
if parser.debug:
print("RESOLVING XTEXT PARSER: second_pass")
resolved_set = set()
def resolve(node):
"""Recursively resolve peg rule references."""
if node in resolved_set or not hasattr(node, 'nodes'):
def _inner_resolve(rule):
if parser.debug:
print("Resolving rule: {}".format(rule))
if type(rule) == RuleMatchCrossRef:
if rule.rule_name in textx_parser._peg_rules:
rule_name = rule.rule_name
rule = textx_parser._peg_rules[rule.rule_name]
rule_name = rule.rule_name
if rule_name in textx_parser._peg_rules:
rule = textx_parser._peg_rules[rule_name]
raise TextXSemanticError('Unexisting rule "{}" at position {}.'\
.format(rule.rule_name, parser.pos_to_linecol(rule.position)))
# Cached rule may be crossref also.
while type(rule) == RuleMatchCrossRef:
rule_name = rule.rule_name
rule = _inner_resolve(rule)
# Rewrite rule in the rules map
textx_parser._peg_rules[rule_name] = rule
assert isinstance(rule, ParsingExpression), type(rule)
# Recurse
for idx, child in enumerate(rule.nodes):
if not child in resolved_set:
rule.nodes[idx] = _inner_resolve(child)
return rule
for idx, rule in enumerate(node.nodes):
# If crossref resolve
if type(rule) == RuleMatchCrossRef:
rule = _inner_resolve(rule)
node.nodes[idx] = _inner_resolve(rule)
# If still unresolved raise exception
if type(rule) == RuleMatchCrossRef:
raise TextXSemanticError('Unexisting rule "{}" at position {}.'\
.format(rule.rule_name, parser.pos_to_linecol(rule.position)))
# Depth-First processing
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