Commit ff9ad67a authored by Igor Dejanovic's avatar Igor Dejanovic

Semantic actions may now be Python callables.

parent ddfb9d40
......@@ -951,7 +951,10 @@ class Parser(object):
if node.rule in sem_actions:
sem_action = sem_actions[node.rule]
retval = sem_action.first_pass(self, node, children)
if type(sem_action) is types.FunctionType:
retval = sem_action(self, node, children)
retval = sem_action.first_pass(self, node, children)
if hasattr(sem_action, "second_pass"):
for_second_pass.append((node.rule, retval))
......@@ -23,82 +23,73 @@ def calc(): return OneOrMore(expression), EOF
# Semantic actions
class ToFloat(SemanticAction):
def to_floatSA(parser, node, children):
Converts node value to float.
def first_pass(self, parser, node, children):
if parser.debug:
print("Converting {}.".format(node.value))
return float(node.value)
if parser.debug:
print("Converting {}.".format(node.value))
return float(node.value)
class Factor(SemanticAction):
def factorSA(parser, node, children):
Removes parenthesis if exists and returns what was contained inside.
def first_pass(self, parser, node, children):
if parser.debug:
print("Factor {}".format(children))
if len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
sign = -1 if children[0] == '-' else 1
next_chd = 0
if children[0] in ['+', '-']:
next_chd = 1
return sign * children[next_chd]
class Term(SemanticAction):
if parser.debug:
print("Factor {}".format(children))
if len(children) == 1:
return children[0]
sign = -1 if children[0] == '-' else 1
return sign * children[-1]
def termSA(parser, node, children):
Divides or multiplies factors.
Factor nodes will be already evaluated.
def first_pass(self, parser, node, children):
if parser.debug:
print("Term {}".format(children))
term = children[0]
for i in range(2, len(children), 2):
if children[i-1] == "*":
term *= children[i]
term /= children[i]
if parser.debug:
print("Term = {}".format(term))
return term
class Expr(SemanticAction):
if parser.debug:
print("Term {}".format(children))
term = children[0]
for i in range(2, len(children), 2):
if children[i-1] == "*":
term *= children[i]
term /= children[i]
if parser.debug:
print("Term = {}".format(term))
return term
def exprSA(parser, node, children):
Adds or substracts terms.
Term nodes will be already evaluated.
def first_pass(self, parser, node, children):
if parser.debug:
print("Expression {}".format(children))
expr = 0
start = 0
# Check for unary + or - operator
if str(children[0]) in "+-":
start = 1
if parser.debug:
print("Expression {}".format(children))
expr = 0
start = 0
# Check for unary + or - operator
if str(children[0]) in "+-":
start = 1
for i in range(start, len(children), 2):
if i and children[i - 1] == "-":
expr -= children[i]
expr += children[i]
for i in range(start, len(children), 2):
if i and children[i - 1] == "-":
expr -= children[i]
expr += children[i]
if parser.debug:
print("Expression = {}".format(expr))
if parser.debug:
print("Expression = {}".format(expr))
return expr
return expr
# Connecting rules with semantic actions
number.sem = ToFloat()
factor.sem = Factor()
term.sem = Term()
expression.sem = Expr()
number.sem = to_floatSA
factor.sem = factorSA
term.sem = termSA
expression.sem = exprSA
def main(debug=False):
# First we will make a parser - an instance of the calc parser model.
......@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ from __future__ import absolute_import
from arpeggio.peg import ParserPEG
# Semantic actions
from calc import ToFloat, Factor, Term, Expr
from calc import to_floatSA, factorSA, termSA, exprSA
# Grammar is defined using textual specification based on PEG language.
calc_grammar = """
......@@ -31,10 +31,10 @@ calc_grammar = """
# Rules are mapped to semantic actions
sem_actions = {
"number" : ToFloat(),
"factor" : Factor(),
"term" : Term(),
"expression" : Expr(),
"number" : to_floatSA,
"factor" : factorSA,
"term" : termSA,
"expression" : exprSA,
def main(debug=False):
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