Commit 2f90bd66 authored by litaolemo's avatar litaolemo


parent 5509785f
......@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ spark.sql("CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION json_map AS 'brickhouse.udf.json.JsonMapUDF
spark.sql("CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION is_json AS 'com.gmei.hive.common.udf.UDFJsonFormatCheck'")
spark.sql("CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION arrayMerge AS 'com.gmei.hive.common.udf.UDFArryMerge'")
select_sql = """SELECT * FROM pm.tl_pm_contentpage_ctr"""
select_sql = """SELECT *,NVL(ROUND(wel_click_pv/wel_exp_pv,5)),0) as meigou_ctr,
NVL(ROUND(content_click_pv/content_exp_pv,5),0) as neirong_ctr FROM pm.tl_pm_contentpage_ctr"""
device_df = spark.sql(select_sql), False)
sql_res = device_df.collect()
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