Commit 8d445002 authored by 赵建伟's avatar 赵建伟

update codes

parent a47201ed
#step2.job #step2.job
type=command type=command
dependencies=step1_1,step1_2,step1_3,step1_4,step1_5,step1_6 dependencies=step1_1,step1_2,step1_3,step1_4,step1_5,step1_6
command=sh /srv/apps/bi-report/lib/shell/ demo zhaojianwei zhaojianwei command=sh /srv/apps/bi-report/lib/shell/ demo_param zhaojianwei zhaojianwei
\ No newline at end of file \ No newline at end of file
select SELECT partition_date
t6.new_tag_name, --新标签name ,device_os_type AS device_type
t6.new_tag_type, --新标签type ,CASE WHEN active_type = '4' THEN '老活'
t6.new_tag_id, --新标签id WHEN active_type IN ('1','2') THEN '新增' END AS active_type
t6.is_display, --是否在app展示 ,device_id
t6.is_online, --是否生效 FROM online.ml_device_day_active_status
collect_set(t6.jianyi_word) as jianyi_word, --近义词 WHERE partition_date between '20200401' and '20200408'
collect_set(t6.like_new_tag) as tongyi_word, --同义词 AND active_type IN ('1','2','4')
collect_set(t6.fangshi_1f) as fangshi_1st, --一级方式_name AND first_channel_source_type not IN ('yqxiu1','yqxiu2','yqxiu3','yqxiu4','yqxiu5','mxyc1','mxyc2','mxyc3'
collect_set(t6.fangshi_2d) as fangshi_2nd, --二级方式_name ,'wanpu','jinshan','jx','maimai','zhuoyi','huatian','suopingjingling','mocha','mizhe','meika','lamabang'
collect_set(t6.suqiu_1f) as suqiu_1st, --一级诉求_name ,'js-az1','js-az2','js-az3','js-az4','js-az5','jfq-az1','jfq-az2','jfq-az3','jfq-az4','jfq-az5','toufang1'
collect_set(t6.suqiu_2d) as suqiu_2nd, --二级诉求_name ,'toufang2','toufang3','toufang4','toufang5','toufang6','TF-toufang1','TF-toufang2','TF-toufang3','TF-toufang4'
collect_set(t6.buwei_if) as buwei_1st, --一级部位_name ,'TF-toufang5','tf-toufang1','tf-toufang2','tf-toufang3','tf-toufang4','tf-toufang5','benzhan','promotion_aso100'
collect_set(t6.buwei_2d) as buwei_2nd, --二级部位_name ,'promotion_qianka','promotion_xiaoyu','promotion_dianru','promotion_malioaso','promotion_malioaso-shequ'
collect_set(t6.old_tag_name) as old_tag_name, --老标签_name ,'promotion_shike','promotion_julang_jl03','promotion_zuimei')
collect_set(t6.old_tag_type) as old_tag_type, --老标签_type AND first_channel_source_type not LIKE 'promotion\_jf\_%'
collect_set(t6.old_tag_id) as old_tag_id, --老标签_id limit 10
collect_set(t6.fangshi_1f_id) as fangshi_1st_id, --一级方式_id \ No newline at end of file
collect_set(t6.fangshi_2d_id) as fangshi_2nd_id, --二级方式_id
collect_set(t6.suqiu_1f_id) as suqiu_1st_id, --一级诉求_id
collect_set(t6.suqiu_2d_id) as suqiu_2nd_id, --二级诉求_id
collect_set(t6.buwei_if_id) as buwei_1st_id, --一级部位_id
collect_set(t6.buwei_2d_id) as buwei_2nd_id --二级部位_id
select as new_tag_name, --新标签name
t1.tag_type as new_tag_type, --新标签type as new_tag_id, --新标签id
t1.is_display as is_display, --是否在app展示
t1.is_online as is_online, --是否生效
t1.homoionym as jianyi_word, --近义词 as like_new_tag, --同义词
t4.aggregate_type, --对应类型的枚举值
(case when t4.aggregate_type='6' then else NULL end) as fangshi_1f, --一级方式_name
(case when t4.aggregate_type='2' then else NULL end) as fangshi_2d, --二级方式_name
(case when t4.aggregate_type='7' then else NULL end) as suqiu_1f, --一级诉求_name
(case when t4.aggregate_type='8' then else NULL end) as suqiu_2d, --二级诉求_name
(case when t4.aggregate_type='10' then else NULL end) as buwei_if, --一级部位_name
(case when t4.aggregate_type='3' then else NULL end) as buwei_2d, --二级部位_name
t7.old_tag_name as old_tag_name, --老标签_name
t7.old_tag_type as old_tag_type, --老标签_type
t5.old_tag_id as old_tag_id, --老标签_id
(case when t4.aggregate_type='6' then else NULL end) as fangshi_1f_id, --一级方式_id
(case when t4.aggregate_type='2' then else NULL end) as fangshi_2d_id, --二级方式_id
(case when t4.aggregate_type='7' then else NULL end) as suqiu_1f_id, --一级诉求_id
(case when t4.aggregate_type='8' then else NULL end) as suqiu_2d_id, --二级诉求_id
(case when t4.aggregate_type='10' then else NULL end) as buwei_if_id, --一级部位_id
(case when t4.aggregate_type='3' then else NULL end) as buwei_2d_id --二级部位_id
(select name,id,is_display,is_online,
case when tag_type in ('1') then '普通分类'
when tag_type in ('2') then '一级分类'
when tag_type in ('3') then '二级分类'
end as tag_type,
collect_list(t1.homoionym_detail) as homoionym
from online.tl_hdfs_api_tag_3_0_view --新标签id,近义词
lateral view explode(json_split(homoionym)) t1 as homoionym_detail --["\u8138\u578b\u77eb\u6b63"]转义 json_split
where partition_date='$V_PARYMD'
group by name,id,is_display,is_online,
case when tag_type in ('1') then '普通分类'
when tag_type in ('2') then '一级分类'
when tag_type in ('3') then '二级分类'
) t1
left join
(select name,tag_id from online.tl_hdfs_api_tag_aggregate_view where partition_date='$V_PARYMD') t2 --新标签id,同义词
on (
left join
(select tag_attr_id as tag_ids,tag_id from online.tl_hdfs_api_tag_attr_tag_view where partition_date='$V_PARYMD') t3 --新标签id,属性ids
on (
left join
(select name,id,aggregate_type from online.tl_hdfs_api_tag_attr_view where partition_date='$V_PARYMD') t4 --属性id,属性分类
on (
left join
(select old_tag_id,tag_id from online.tl_hdfs_api_tag_map_oldtag_view where partition_date='$V_PARYMD') t5
on (
left join
(select id,name as old_tag_name,
case when tag_type in ('1') then '一级分类'
when tag_type in ('2') then '二级分类'
when tag_type in ('3') then '三级分类'
when tag_type in ('4') then '城市'
when tag_type in ('5') then '自由添加'
when tag_type in ('6') then '医生'
when tag_type in ('7') then '医院'
when tag_type in ('8') then '频道'
when tag_type in ('9') then '省份'
when tag_type in ('10') then '国家'
when tag_type in ('11') then '运营标签'
end as old_tag_type
from online.tl_hdfs_api_tag_view where partition_date='$V_PARYMD') t7
on (
group by t6.new_tag_name,t6.new_tag_type,t6.new_tag_id,t6.is_display,t6.is_online
\ No newline at end of file
SELECT partition_date
,device_os_type AS device_type
,CASE WHEN active_type = '4' THEN '老活'
WHEN active_type IN ('1','2') THEN '新增' END AS active_type
FROM online.ml_device_day_active_status
WHERE partition_date between '20200401' and '20200408'
AND active_type IN ('1','2','4')
AND first_channel_source_type not IN ('yqxiu1','yqxiu2','yqxiu3','yqxiu4','yqxiu5','mxyc1','mxyc2','mxyc3'
AND first_channel_source_type not LIKE 'promotion\_jf\_%'
limit 10
\ No newline at end of file
t6.new_tag_name, --新标签name
t6.new_tag_type, --新标签type
t6.new_tag_id, --新标签id
t6.is_display, --是否在app展示
t6.is_online, --是否生效
collect_set(t6.jianyi_word) as jianyi_word, --近义词
collect_set(t6.like_new_tag) as tongyi_word, --同义词
collect_set(t6.fangshi_1f) as fangshi_1st, --一级方式_name
collect_set(t6.fangshi_2d) as fangshi_2nd, --二级方式_name
collect_set(t6.suqiu_1f) as suqiu_1st, --一级诉求_name
collect_set(t6.suqiu_2d) as suqiu_2nd, --二级诉求_name
collect_set(t6.buwei_if) as buwei_1st, --一级部位_name
collect_set(t6.buwei_2d) as buwei_2nd, --二级部位_name
collect_set(t6.old_tag_name) as old_tag_name, --老标签_name
collect_set(t6.old_tag_type) as old_tag_type, --老标签_type
collect_set(t6.old_tag_id) as old_tag_id, --老标签_id
collect_set(t6.fangshi_1f_id) as fangshi_1st_id, --一级方式_id
collect_set(t6.fangshi_2d_id) as fangshi_2nd_id, --二级方式_id
collect_set(t6.suqiu_1f_id) as suqiu_1st_id, --一级诉求_id
collect_set(t6.suqiu_2d_id) as suqiu_2nd_id, --二级诉求_id
collect_set(t6.buwei_if_id) as buwei_1st_id, --一级部位_id
collect_set(t6.buwei_2d_id) as buwei_2nd_id --二级部位_id
select as new_tag_name, --新标签name
t1.tag_type as new_tag_type, --新标签type as new_tag_id, --新标签id
t1.is_display as is_display, --是否在app展示
t1.is_online as is_online, --是否生效
t1.homoionym as jianyi_word, --近义词 as like_new_tag, --同义词
t4.aggregate_type, --对应类型的枚举值
(case when t4.aggregate_type='6' then else NULL end) as fangshi_1f, --一级方式_name
(case when t4.aggregate_type='2' then else NULL end) as fangshi_2d, --二级方式_name
(case when t4.aggregate_type='7' then else NULL end) as suqiu_1f, --一级诉求_name
(case when t4.aggregate_type='8' then else NULL end) as suqiu_2d, --二级诉求_name
(case when t4.aggregate_type='10' then else NULL end) as buwei_if, --一级部位_name
(case when t4.aggregate_type='3' then else NULL end) as buwei_2d, --二级部位_name
t7.old_tag_name as old_tag_name, --老标签_name
t7.old_tag_type as old_tag_type, --老标签_type
t5.old_tag_id as old_tag_id, --老标签_id
(case when t4.aggregate_type='6' then else NULL end) as fangshi_1f_id, --一级方式_id
(case when t4.aggregate_type='2' then else NULL end) as fangshi_2d_id, --二级方式_id
(case when t4.aggregate_type='7' then else NULL end) as suqiu_1f_id, --一级诉求_id
(case when t4.aggregate_type='8' then else NULL end) as suqiu_2d_id, --二级诉求_id
(case when t4.aggregate_type='10' then else NULL end) as buwei_if_id, --一级部位_id
(case when t4.aggregate_type='3' then else NULL end) as buwei_2d_id --二级部位_id
(select name,id,is_display,is_online,
case when tag_type in ('1') then '普通分类'
when tag_type in ('2') then '一级分类'
when tag_type in ('3') then '二级分类'
end as tag_type,
collect_list(t1.homoionym_detail) as homoionym
from online.tl_hdfs_api_tag_3_0_view --新标签id,近义词
lateral view explode(json_split(homoionym)) t1 as homoionym_detail --["\u8138\u578b\u77eb\u6b63"]转义 json_split
where partition_date='$V_PARYMD'
group by name,id,is_display,is_online,
case when tag_type in ('1') then '普通分类'
when tag_type in ('2') then '一级分类'
when tag_type in ('3') then '二级分类'
) t1
left join
(select name,tag_id from online.tl_hdfs_api_tag_aggregate_view where partition_date='$V_PARYMD') t2 --新标签id,同义词
on (
left join
(select tag_attr_id as tag_ids,tag_id from online.tl_hdfs_api_tag_attr_tag_view where partition_date='$V_PARYMD') t3 --新标签id,属性ids
on (
left join
(select name,id,aggregate_type from online.tl_hdfs_api_tag_attr_view where partition_date='$V_PARYMD') t4 --属性id,属性分类
on (
left join
(select old_tag_id,tag_id from online.tl_hdfs_api_tag_map_oldtag_view where partition_date='$V_PARYMD') t5
on (
left join
(select id,name as old_tag_name,
case when tag_type in ('1') then '一级分类'
when tag_type in ('2') then '二级分类'
when tag_type in ('3') then '三级分类'
when tag_type in ('4') then '城市'
when tag_type in ('5') then '自由添加'
when tag_type in ('6') then '医生'
when tag_type in ('7') then '医院'
when tag_type in ('8') then '频道'
when tag_type in ('9') then '省份'
when tag_type in ('10') then '国家'
when tag_type in ('11') then '运营标签'
end as old_tag_type
from online.tl_hdfs_api_tag_view where partition_date='$V_PARYMD') t7
on (
group by t6.new_tag_name,t6.new_tag_type,t6.new_tag_id,t6.is_display,t6.is_online
\ No newline at end of file
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