Commit d21146c1 authored by 叶凤鸣's avatar 叶凤鸣


parent e944b3e5
......@@ -352,7 +352,7 @@ static NSString *sdkVersion = @"110";
[dict setObject:page.referrerId ? : @"" forKey:@"referrer_id"];
[dict setObject:page.extraParam ? : @"" forKey:@"extra_param"];
[dict setObject:page.referrerTabName ? : @"" forKey:@"referrer_tab_name"];
[dict setObject:page.isPush.intValue ? page.isPush : @(0) forKey:@"is_push"];
[dict setObject:page.isPush.intValue ? @(page.isPush.intValue) : @(0) forKey:@"is_push"];
if (page.inTime.length > 0) {
// 页面显示时间为空时不记录页面pv事件
[Phobos track:@"page_view" attributes:dict];
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