Commit 054561dd authored by jz's avatar jz

add files

parent 33c9d396
"MJRefreshHeaderIdleText" = "아래로 당겨 새로고침";
"MJRefreshHeaderPullingText" = "놓으면 새로고침";
"MJRefreshHeaderRefreshingText" = "로딩중...";
"MJRefreshAutoFooterIdleText" = "탭 또는 위로 당겨 로드함";
"MJRefreshAutoFooterRefreshingText" = "로딩중...";
"MJRefreshAutoFooterNoMoreDataText" = "더이상 데이터 없음";
"MJRefreshBackFooterIdleText" = "위로 당겨 더 로드 가능";
"MJRefreshBackFooterPullingText" = "놓으면 더 로드됨.";
"MJRefreshBackFooterRefreshingText" = "로딩중...";
"MJRefreshBackFooterNoMoreDataText" = "더이상 데이터 없음";
"MJRefreshHeaderLastTimeText" = "마지막 업데이트: ";
"MJRefreshHeaderDateTodayText" = "오늘";
"MJRefreshHeaderNoneLastDateText" = "기록 없음";
B"MJRefreshHeaderIdleText" = "Потяните чтобы обновить";
B"MJRefreshHeaderIdleText" = "Потягніть для оновлення";
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