Commit 4a74035a authored by 刘丙寅's avatar 刘丙寅


parent cbfa6aba
......@@ -135,44 +135,44 @@ if __name__ == "__main__":
# 生成测试报告的路径
error_count,failure_count = run_case(all_case) # 2执行用例
bug_number = int(error_count) + int(failure_count)
# if bug_number!=0:
# # 获取最新的测试报告文件
# report_path = os.path.join(cur_path, "report") # 用例文件夹
# report_file = get_report_file(report_path) # 3获取最新的测试报告
# # #邮箱配置 发送邮箱的地址
# # sender = ""
# sender = ""
# #邮箱密码
# #psw = "3328378"
# psw = "cgBP3fw2ZNgp3L5r"
# # 163服务器的servers
# #smtp_server = ""
# #公司地址的服务器server
# smtp_server = ""
# port = 465
# #发给谁的邮箱
# receiver = ["", ""]
# send_mail(sender, psw, receiver, smtp_server, report_file, port) # 4最后一步发送报告
# dd_url = ""
# text = "监控报警:接口出现异常,请查看邮件排查问题"
# json_text = {
# "msgtype": "text",
# "at": {
# "atMobiles": [
# # 变为所有人 这里要改
# "all"
# ],
# # 变为true 就会@所有人
# #"isAtAll": False
# "isAtAll": True
# },
# "text": {
# "content": text
# }
# }
#, json=json_text, verify=False)
# else:
# print("无问题 不发送测试报告哦")
if bug_number!=0:
# 获取最新的测试报告文件
report_path = os.path.join(cur_path, "report") # 用例文件夹
report_file = get_report_file(report_path) # 3获取最新的测试报告
# #邮箱配置 发送邮箱的地址
# sender = ""
sender = ""
#psw = "3328378"
psw = "cgBP3fw2ZNgp3L5r"
# 163服务器的servers
#smtp_server = ""
smtp_server = ""
port = 465
receiver = ["", ""]
send_mail(sender, psw, receiver, smtp_server, report_file, port) # 4最后一步发送报告
# dd_url = ""
# text = "监控报警:接口出现异常,请查看邮件排查问题"
# json_text = {
# "msgtype": "text",
# "at": {
# "atMobiles": [
# # 变为所有人 这里要改
# "all"
# ],
# # 变为true 就会@所有人
# #"isAtAll": False
# "isAtAll": True
# },
# "text": {
# "content": text
# }
# }
#, json=json_text, verify=False)
print("无问题 不发送测试报告哦")
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