Commit 18b09a1d authored by ibuler's avatar ibuler

[Bugfix] 修复comment太长的bug

parent 3fd70726
......@@ -217,6 +217,7 @@ class InteractiveServer:
header = '{1:>%d} {0.hostname:%d} {0.ip:15} {0.system_users_name_list:%d} ' % \
(id_max_length, hostname_max_length, sysuser_max_length)
comment_length = self.request.meta["width"] - len(header.format(fake_asset, id_max_length))
comment_length = max([comment_length, 2])
line = header + '{0.comment:.%d}' % (comment_length // 2) # comment中可能有中文
header += '{0.comment:%s}' % comment_length
self.client.send(wr(title(header.format(fake_asset, "ID"))))
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