Commit 6951f4dd authored by BaiJiangJie's avatar BaiJiangJie

[Update] 删除 LDAP 查询时抛出的自定义异常类( LDAPOUGroupException),解决多有 OU 下导入用户时的问题

parent d563a11a
......@@ -21,10 +21,6 @@ __all__ = [
LDAP_USE_CACHE_FLAGS = [1, '1', 'true', 'True', True]
class LDAPOUGroupException(Exception):
class LDAPConfig(object):
def __init__(self, config=None):
......@@ -119,14 +115,11 @@ class LDAPServerUtil(object):
def search_user_entries_ou(self, search_ou, paged_cookie=None):
search_filter = self.get_search_filter()
attributes = list(self.config.attr_map.values())
ok =
search_base=search_ou, search_filter=search_filter,
attributes=attributes, paged_size=self._paged_size,
if not ok:
error = _("Search no entry matched in ou {}".format(search_ou))
raise LDAPOUGroupException(error)
def search_user_entries(self):
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