Commit 69e5ab43 authored by ibuler's avatar ibuler

[Bugfix] 解决发送邮件重启的问题

parent 757a31a5
......@@ -21,23 +21,13 @@ class MailTestingAPI(APIView):
serializer = self.serializer_class(
if serializer.is_valid():
email_host_user = serializer.validated_data["EMAIL_HOST_USER"]
kwargs = {
"host": serializer.validated_data["EMAIL_HOST"],
"port": serializer.validated_data["EMAIL_PORT"],
"username": serializer.validated_data["EMAIL_HOST_USER"],
"password": serializer.validated_data["EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD"],
"use_ssl": serializer.validated_data["EMAIL_USE_SSL"],
"use_tls": serializer.validated_data["EMAIL_USE_TLS"]
connection = get_connection(timeout=5, **kwargs)
for k, v in serializer.validated_data.items():
if k.startswith('EMAIL'):
setattr(settings, k, v)
except Exception as e:
return Response({"error": str(e)}, status=401)
send_mail("Test", "Test smtp setting", email_host_user,
[email_host_user], connection=connection)
subject = "Test"
message = "Test smtp setting"
send_mail(subject, message, email_host_user, [email_host_user])
except Exception as e:
return Response({"error": str(e)}, status=401)
......@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ from django.core.mail import send_mail
from django.conf import settings
from celery import shared_task
from .utils import get_logger
from .models import Setting
logger = get_logger(__file__)
......@@ -21,6 +22,10 @@ def send_mail_async(*args, **kwargs):
send_mail_sync.delay(subject, message, recipient_list, fail_silently=False, html_message=None)
configs = Setting.objects.filter(name__startswith='EMAIL')
for config in configs:
setattr(settings,, config.cleaned_value)
if len(args) == 3:
args = list(args)
args[0] = settings.EMAIL_SUBJECT_PREFIX + args[0]
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