Commit 621dab80 authored by 赵威's avatar 赵威

try predict

parent 1adbbcbb
......@@ -24,11 +24,11 @@ def consume_kafka(device_dict, diary_dict, tractate_dict, diary_predict_fn, trac
device_id = data.get("device_id", "")
log_time = str(datetime.fromtimestamp(int(data.get("log_time", 1))))
event_cn = data.get("event_cn", "")
if device_id == "androidid_a25a1129c0b38f7b":
print(device_id + " " + event_cn + " " + log_time)
offline_predict_diary(device_id, device_dict, diary_dict, diary_predict_fn)
offline_predict_tractate(device_id, device_dict, tractate_dict, tractate_predict_fn)
# if device_id == "androidid_a25a1129c0b38f7b":
print(device_id + " " + event_cn + " " + log_time)
offline_predict_diary(device_id, device_dict, diary_dict, diary_predict_fn)
offline_predict_tractate(device_id, device_dict, tractate_dict, tractate_predict_fn)
except Exception as e:
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